India, the oldest and the largest democracy in the world, will elect members of its 18th Lok Sabha in the General Elections 2024. The world is ready to witness this largest voting exercise, in which millions of people will democratically elect their Prime Minister. In this background, there are few countries that are indirectly intervening in India’s internal matters and lecturing it on democracy. On this issue, Harsh Vardhan Shringla, former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador to USA, talked exclusively to Organiser Assistant Editor Ravi Mishra. He said, “India on its part has never commented on the internal processes of any country and we hope other countries will extend us the same courtesy”: Excerpts
Recently India summoned diplomats from Germany and the US over their remarks on our internal issue. What would you like to say on this issue as this lecture by a country like the US is increasing day by day?
India is a country with strong democratic credentials. We subscribe to the rule of law. We have a judicial system which is robust and independent. No one can fault this. Against this backdrop, comments by some countries are unwarranted and totally unacceptable. The UN charter calls for non-interference in the internal affairs of countries by others. What some countries have commented on are patently internal matters of India. The Ministry of External Affairs has lodged its strong objections with the relevant countries. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has been quoted in the media as saying that “There is a certain ‘maryada’ (restraint) among countries. We are sovereign countries, we should not be interfering in each other’s internal affairs, we should not be passing comments about each other’s politics.” India on its part has never commented on the internal processes of any country and we hope other countries will extend us the same courtesy.
On many occasions, the US has raised concerns over democracy in Bharat. However, this is also a fact that in many countries the US and its proxies have destabilised Governments. Your take on this?
India’s internal institutions are strong. We are confident about our democracy and our institutions. No one can destabilise India with Prime Minister Modi at the helm.
We have seen negative coverage of India by a sections of the Western media since the Modi Government has come into power. Is it a larger conspiracy to curtail the rise of Bharat?
There are some reports that have been negative but on the whole India has received positive coverage for many reasons in the past decade. We have had stable governments for the past decade under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership. Our economy has been performing well, we are seen as one of the growth engines of the world. There is confidence today that India contributes to solutions to problems, it is not a source of problems. At the global level, India is increasingly moulding opinions, setting the agenda, taking everyone along while trying to find solutions to pressing problems. The world sees in India a power that is peaceful and law abiding. Some negative coverage in some sections of the media cannot and will not stop India’s rise. Prime Minister Modi has a vision for India to become a developed economy by 2047 and the whole country is backing that vision and working towards achieving that.
“The world sees in India a power that is peaceful and law abiding. Some negative coverage in some sections of the media cannot and will not stop India’s rise”
There are few elite journalists in India, who keep writing their concocted propaganda articles against their own country in Western media.
India is a country where people are allowed to speak their mind. This is the essence and basis of democracy. If we have people voicing their opinions freely – even though they are factually incorrect or biased – it only goes to show that every shade of opinion is free to be aired. And that we are a robust democracy. As a country, we are confident and on the path to becoming a developed nation by 2047. The misguided views of a few cannot deter India from achieving its destiny.
Why new India will not bow down before the West?
Under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, we are seeing a new India – one that is sure and confident of itself, its actions and the path that it is moving on. There is no question of bowing to pressure or before anyone.
How do you see India as an assertive power? I am asking as it continues to play role of mediator or an important player globally on many occasions.
As a country that believes in peace and non-violence, India will do whatever it can to help bring peace to troubled parts of the world. If we can play a constructive role in bringing peace to trouble spots, we will do that. India is today seen as a “Vishwamitra” a friend to all. We don’t have any hidden agendas or motives and the world understands that. I think we proved that when we launched the “Vaccine Maitri” initiative when the covid-19 pandemic was ravaging the world. Prime Minister Modi in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict said that this is not an era of war. This has been widely appreciated across the world. PM has constantly been in touch with both Russia and Ukraine, we have lines of communication open with both sides. We have the credentials, the ability and the confidence to play a positive role in the world today. We believe and practice the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. And the world has confidence in us.