In a shocking turn of events, a group of students at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, stirred controversy during the Performing Arts Festival (PAF) held on March 31. Under the guise of ‘freedom of expression and creativity,’ these students purportedly attempted to insult revered Hindu deities, Bhagwan Ram and Mata Sita. The incident has sparked outrage among the Hindu community, with calls for action against those involved.
According to reports, the controversy unfolded during a play titled ‘Raahovan,’ staged by a group of students at IIT Bombay’s Open Air Theatre (OAT). The play, allegedly inspired by the epic Ramayan, was scripted and executed in a derogatory manner, with scenes depicting Bhagwan Ram, Mata Sita, and Lakshman Ji engaging in vulgar conversations and actions. Several videos circulating on social media showcase the explicit nature of the performance, further exacerbating the situation.
The play portrayed Bhagwan Ram as a ‘devil,’ depicted engaging in physical abuse towards Mata Sita. Scenes featured inappropriate language and gestures, with derogatory insinuations aimed at Hindu beliefs and faith. In one particularly controversial scene captured in a viral video, Bhagwan Ram is seen demeaning Mata Sita, accusing her of willingly leaving their abode to be with Ravan, a demon king. The dialogues exchanged between the characters further perpetuate disrespect towards the revered figures of Hindu mythology.
“You went to another tribe and lived with another man, that is why this kingdom will not accept you back,” the character playing Bhagwan Ram could be seen saying to a girl depicting Mata Sita.
On this Sita says, “Second man, I was a prisoner there?” On this ‘Ram’ alleges that ‘Sita’ crossed the limits of the clan and violated the line (Lakshman Rekha) to go with Ravan. ‘Ram’ is made to say, “You will not say anything, you will only listen to me.” Then ‘Sita’ says, “You had set out to become a man, you forgot to become a human being.” On this ‘Ram’ says, “Now will a woman explain to me what it means to be a man?” In one scene ‘Sita’ says, “It’s a different world out there. And it was good that Aghora (Ravan) took me there.”
The girl portraying Mata Sita further says, “The women there get a good reputation. He told me that he would not touch me without my permission. In him I saw such a man which I had not seen in this tribe. You guys were celebrating and not killing the demon. You have not killed the real demon to date.”
The circulation of the video on April 7 triggered widespread condemnation from various quarters, with many expressing outrage over the blatant disrespect shown towards Hindu deities. While no official statement has been released by the institute, some students at IIT Bombay have voiced their dissent, demanding strict action against the perpetrators. Hindu students at the institution emphasized the need to uphold the dignity of the campus and denounced the portrayal of Hindu deities in such a derogatory manner.
“The portrayal of Hindu Bhagwaan in such a disrespectful manner is unacceptable and does not align with the values of our institution. It is essential to recognize the significance of Prabhu Shriram for India and Indian citizens. Allowing such performances inside the institute is deeply troubling,” some Hindu students studying at IIT Bombay said.
“It is the responsibility of everyone within the IIT Bombay community to uphold the dignity of our campus and safeguard it against any malign agendas or unhealthy narratives. Therefore, we, the students of IIT Bombay, strongly condemn this activity and demand strict action against all those involved in the production of this play,” stated concerned students.
The incident at IIT Bombay has reignited debates surrounding freedom of expression and cultural sensitivity. As the controversy continues to unfold, all eyes are on the institute authorities to address the issue and take appropriate action against the individuals responsible for the offensive portrayal of revered Hindu deities.
In another instance aimed at disparaging Sanatan Dharma and revered Hindu deities, the Department of Performing Arts at Pondicherry University presented a play during the annual cultural festival Ezhini 2K24 on Friday, March 29. Regrettably, the play included insults directed at Hindu deities such as Goddess Sita and Lord Hanuman. Responding to this, the ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad) staged a protest at the university on March 30. Additionally, the student organization issued a statement regarding this matter on March 31.
A similar incident was reported from Pune University’s Lalit Kala Kendra on February 2, this year, where a play was performed brd on ‘Ramleela’, which allegedly contained objectionable dialogues and scenes. The play titled ‘Jab We Met’ was staged as a part of a competition at Lalit Kala Kendra. In the outrageous video, the student playing Mata Sita was shown smoking a cigarette. The theme of the play is reported to be the rehearsal journey of actors involved in Ramlila.
The play, staged by Lalit Kala Kendra and titled ‘Ramleela’, depicted the backstage scenes of actors performing various roles in the Ramleela. According to Shiva Barole, the Pune University unit chief of the ABVP, the play showed Sita smoking and using abusive language towards Laxman, which led to objections from the ABVP.
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