A significant incident involving conversion has been uncovered in the Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Approximately 110 men and women were being transported in two buses to a church in Unnao. These individuals were enticed with the promise of receiving economic assistance amounting to Rs. 50,000. As a result of this investigation, the police have apprehended Noyle Williams and Deepak Morris in connection with this matter.
According to the media reports, two buses were being used to transport 110 men and women for conversion.
Meanwhile, members of the Bajrang Dal received intelligence indicating the activity of certain priests engaged in conversions. These individuals swiftly reached the vicinity near the Nawabganj police station in Kanpur and intercepted both buses. They engaged with the passengers to gather the necessary details, uncovering that they were being transported to a church in Unnao for conversion.
Subsequently, the Bajrang Dal members alerted the police, leading to their prompt arrival at the scene to question the individuals on the buses.
Sanjay, a resident of Armapur in Kanpur, lodged a complaint with the police, resulting in the filing of an FIR. Sanjay informed the authorities that he hails from Bilsi in Badaun district. He recounted his recent encounter with Noyle Williams and Deepak Morris, who persuaded him to convert to Christianity, promising that all his troubles would be alleviated through worshiping Jesus.
Sanjay also mentioned the influence these individuals had on his wife, who now refuses to remain with him. Under immense pressure, Sanjay was coerced into converting to Christianity, with the additional lure of receiving Rs. 50,000 in economic assistance and a job offer.
The police disclosed that on the night of March 30, at approximately 1 o’clock, they received reports of about 100 individuals being transported in two buses for conversion to a church in Unnao.
Upon receiving this information, law enforcement promptly arrived at the scene, conducting thorough checks on the buses and engaging with the passengers. It was revealed that the individuals were from the Armapur locality of Kanpur and were being taken to the church late at night for a scheduled program.
Approximately 110 individuals aboard the buses appeared to be economically disadvantaged and were enticed with promises of financial assistance.
Consequently, Noyle Williams and Deepak Morris, both from the Christian community, have been arrested in connection with this case.