Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been sent to judicial custody till April 15 after he was produced before Special Judge Kaveri Baweja at Rouse Avenue Court on Monday, April 1, 2024. Kejriwal was produced before the court at the end of his remand period in the Delhi Excise Policy money laundering case. The ED has cited alleged non-cooperation from the Chief Minister in the ongoing probe as the reason behind this decision.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) brought the Chief Minister to the court amid high security.The ED moved an application in court seeking direction to send Arvind Kejriwal to judicial custody and stated that further custodial interrogation, at the moment.
Additional Solicitor General SV Raju was appearing for the ED. Kejriwal, through his lawyers moved an application seeking permission to carry some prescribed medicine during Judicial custody in Tihar.
Kejriwal also submitted an application seeking permission to carry several books, including Bagwad Geeta, Ramayana, and a book titled ‘How Prime Ministers decide’ authored by Neerja Chaudhary.
Earlier in the day, Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal reached the Rouse Avenue court before her husband was produced before the court. Delhi Ministers Saurabh Bharadwaj and Atishi were also present at the court on Monday.
Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for his alleged involvement in a money laundering case related to Delhi Excise Policy.
Earlier on Thursday, the Rouse Avenue Court extended the custodial remand of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by four more days in the case. On Sunday, Kejriwal’s wife while addressing the INDIA bloc rally had made an emotional pitch to party supporters and people.
Reading a message from her husband, Sunita said, “Your very own Kejriwal has sent a message for you from custody. However, before reading out this message, I would like to ask you something. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi put my husband in custody. Do you all believe that he did the right thing? Do you believe that Kejriwal-ji is a true patriot and honest person? These BJP people are saying that since Kejriwal is in custody, he should resign. Do you all believe he should resign?”
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