On March 27 (Wednesday), the BJP announced the appointment of its Lok Sabha poll in-charges and co-incharges for various states and union territories, bringing on board several leaders who weren’t selected as candidates for the elections. According to a party statement, Bihar MLA Nitin Nabin will oversee Chhattisgarh, while Rajya Sabha MP Dinesh Sharma will take charge of Maharashtra.
In Uttar Pradesh, Bihar MLA Sanjeev Chaurasia, along with Ramesh Bidhuri and Sanjay Bhatia, have been designated as co-incharges. Notably, Bidhuri and Bhatia, both sitting MPs in the outgoing Lok Sabha, did not receive renomination from the party for the upcoming polls. BJP vice president Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda is slated to oversee the poll proceedings in Uttar Pradesh, although he is expected to be occupied with campaign duties following his nomination as the party’s candidate for the Kendrapara constituency in Odisha.
Captain Abhimanyu has been appointed in charge for Assam, Nitin Nabin-Chhattisgarh, OP Dhankhad–Delhi, Dinesh Sharma–Maharashtra, M Chuba Ao-Meghalaya, Ajeet Ghopchade—Manipur, Devesh Kumar–Mizoram, Nalin Kohli—Nagaland, Abhay Patil–Telangana and Avinash Rai Khanna for Tripura.
Along with this, Shriraghunath Kulkarni has been made co-election in-charge for Andaman and Nicobar.
Alka Gujjar for Delhi, Nalin Kumar Katil-Kerala, Nirmal Kumar Surana–Maharashtra, Jaibhan Singh, Pawaiya–Maharashtra, Sanjeev Chauraisa–Uttar Pradesh, Ramesh Bidhuri–UP and Sanjay Bhatia–UP.
Lok Sabha elections will be held across seven phases beginning April 19. The counting of votes will take place on June 4.
(With inputs from ANI)