Renowned engineer and former Delhi Metro chief, E. Sreedharan, popularly known as Metroman, has expressed unwavering confidence in actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi’s victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections from the Thrissur constituency. Speaking to a TV channel in Palakkad, Sreedharan also predicted victories for Union Ministers Rajeev Chandrasekhar and V. Muraleedharan from Thiruvananthapuram and Attingal constituencies respectively.
Asserting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is poised to return to power after the polls, Sreedharan forecasted that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) would secure 4 to 5 seats in Kerala. He specifically highlighted the bright prospects of BJP leader Shobha Surendran in the Alappuzha constituency. Sreedharan emphasised that Suresh Gopi’s victory is “cent percent sure,” underlining his confidence in the BJP’s electoral prospects in the state.
Sreedharan, who joined the BJP in 2021 and contested from the Palakkad assembly constituency, expressed his reluctance to return to active politics due to his advanced age of 92. He ruled out the possibility of contesting from Palakkad again, citing the candidature of sitting MLA Shafi Parambi from the Vadakara parliamentary constituency. Despite his decision to step back from active politics, Sreedharan’s insights into the electoral landscape carry significant weight, particularly in light of his engineering prowess and prior political engagement.
Highlighting the significance of Rajeev Chandrasekhar’s candidacy in Thiruvananthapuram, Sreedharan noted the direct contest between the BJP candidate and Congress’s Shashi Tharoor. While acknowledging the BJP’s increasing poll percentage in Kerala over the years, Sreedharan emphasised that the party has yet to secure a parliamentary seat in the state.
In addition to discussing individual candidatures, Sreedharan shed light on the broader political dynamics shaping Kerala’s electoral landscape. He pointed to BJP’s state president K. Surendran’s challenging candidacy against Rahul Gandhi in the Wayanad constituency, where the main contest is expected to unfold between the two prominent figures.Even though CPI’s Annie Raja is there, the main contest is between Rahul and Surendran. Moreover, even though Annie, wife of CPI general secretary D. Raja, is a candidate there, since she is a Delhi based worker, she lacks grass root influence in Kerala. It is yet to be seen how far ‘big brother’ CPM will be sweating for CPI there.
Moreover, Sreedharan highlighted the candidacy of Dr. K.S. Radhakrishnan in Ernakulam and Dr. T.N. Sarasu in Alathoor, both of whom bring notable credentials and grassroots influence to their respective constituencies.Dr. TN Sarasu, former principal of legendary Victoria College, Palakkad, contests from Alathoor constituency. She had hit the lines for her relentless fight against SFI hooliganism in Victoria College. They went to the extent of exhibiting an earthen grave in front of her offices on the day of her retirement on March 31, 2016. A wreath and flower petals were placed on the grave.
In Kollam, actor G. Krishnakumar enters the political arena, facing off against sitting MLA and actor Mukesh of the ruling LDF and sitting MP N.K. Premachandran of the Opposition UDF in a triangular contest. He was born and brought up there. He enjoys a remarkable reputation as a senior professor, Vice Chancellor of Sree Sankara Sanskrit University, Kaladi and Kerala State Public Service Commission Chairman. He is a scholar, author and a sought-after orator. He had bagged excellent vote share in Alappuzha Lok Sabha constituency (2019) and Thrippunithura Assembly constituency (2021).
Since PM Modiji enjoys the highest degree of TINA (There Is No Alternative) factor, BJP candidates have golden chances this time.
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