A day after 32 fishermen from Tamil Nadu were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy, Chief Minister MK Stalin wrote to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, requesting him to secure their “immediate release.” He also urged the EAM to ensure the necessary legal assistance for the detained fishermen.
“I am writing to you with grave concern regarding the recent incidents involving the arrest and apprehension of Indian fishermen by Sri Lankan authorities. Over the past few weeks, there have been multiple occurrences of fishermen from India being detained by Sri Lankan authorities, causing distress and uncertainty among their families and communities,” MK Stalin stated in his letter.
He further urged the Centre to take “decisive action” to ensure the safety and well-being of the ‘affected fishermen’.
“On March 21, 2024, 32 fishermen from Tamil Nadu and five mechanised boats were apprehended by the Sri Lankan navy. In the past two weeks alone, 76 fishermen have been detained,” the letter mentioned.
“Decisive action must be taken without any further delay to address this festering issue and to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected fishermen. Further legal assistance needs to be provided for the fishermen who have been sentenced by the Sri Lankan Courts,” it added.
“Therefore, I urge you to secure the immediate release of all our fishermen and their boats and also to ensure necessary legal assistance to the fishermen detained by Sri Lanka,” the letter added.
(with inputs from ANI)
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