Following the shocking case, including the butchering of two Hindu kids, Ayush (13) and Ahan (8), in Badaun, the Uttar Pradesh Police nabbed Mohammad Sajid, the prime accused in this murder, on March 19. Sajid was later shot by the police during a cross-firing and declared dead. The other accused, Mohammad Javed, was arrested by the UP Police from Bareilly, on March 21, two days after the brutal killing. Sajid and Javed conspired to murder the two boys who lived in their neighbourhood.
Friendly neighbour butchered minors
There have been revelations by the victim’s parents, Vinod and Sangeeta, about how they very well knew the perpetrators and on the fateful night of the attack, Sangeeta welcomed them into her house and also offered tea. While talking about his wife and her miscarriages, Sajid even asked for Rs 5,000 from Sangeeta, which she agreed to give as a neighbour. Minutes later, Sajid went upstairs with the kids, Ayush, Ahan, and Yuvjraj (10). While he locked Ayush and Ahan in the parlour, Yuvraj went to get something from the nearby shop. By the time Yuvraj returned, Sajid and had slit the throats of Ayush and Ahan with a shaving blade. He also attacked Yuvraj but failed and came downstairs. Soaked in blood, he told Sangeeta that, “I finished my job”.
Shocking details in post-mortem report
The post-mortem report of the minor boys revealed that the bodies had 23 stab wounds in all, with 14 blows to Ayush & 9 to Ahan. First attacked around the neck, and later stabbed multiple times on their backs. There were wounds on the legs, meaning the boys tried to escape but failed.
The post-mortem of the children was performed on March 20, the day after they were brutally killed. As per media reports, there were blood stains on the walls of the room where the minors were killed along with the fingerprints of the minors. Here are the details from the report;
The report mentions that there are many wounds that seem to have been made by a single stroke but some of the wounds are so deep and large that it seems impossible to be made in a single stroke.
The post-mortem report uncovered a series of gruesome wounds, each detailing the extent of the violence inflicted upon the kids. The most prominent injury, measuring 15cm x 5cm, marred the front of the neck, akin to the precision of a butcher’s blade, severing vital throat-related organs and causing significant damage to the trachea. It was evident that this attack was executed with a ferocity reminiscent of the slaughter of an animal.
Additionally, a 6cm x 1cm wound deeply penetrated the muscles on the back side of the right shoulder, while a 7cm deep and 4cm wide wound on the right shoulder joint suggested repeated, brutal assaults, reaching deep into the bones.
The upper side of the right hand bore another injury, deeply embedded within the muscles, alongside a 4cm x 2cm wound slightly above the right wrist and a 5cm x 3cm wound on the inside of the right wrist, delving deep into the connecting muscles.
Further evidence of the relentless attacks surfaced with a 4cm cut discovered on the lower palm of the hand and a 2cm deep wound on the ring finger of the right hand. The middle finger of the left hand was nearly severed, indicating another vicious attack.
Moreover, the left-hand palm sustained a wound deep within the bones, while the inner muscles of the left shoulder bore a 6cm deep injury. Notably, a 3cm deep wound was identified below the left ear, extending up to the bones, and a 6cm deep and 1.5cm wide wound marked the back of the head.
Lastly, a large 6cm x 4cm wound from the back side of the right lung revealed the extent of the violence, with the knife penetrating deeply into the inner muscles, tearing them wide open.
Each mark narrated a tale of brutality and suffering inflicted upon the innocent kids.
100s joined Sajid’s funeral procession
Notably, the accused, Sajid, who was shot in the police encounter on March 19, was buried by his family and relatives on March 21. The picture from his funeral procession is going viral on social media, where people in huge numbers joined the procession. Many questions the intent of those joining the procession considering the ghastly murder he committed.
Famous author Anand Ranganathan wrote on social media platform X, “Sajid slit the throats of eleven year-old Ayush and six year-old Ahaan and then reportedly drank their blood. In the holy month of Ramzan. This is the scene from his funeral.”
Social media activist Mr Sinha wrote, “Funeral of terr0rist Yakub Menon: 3 lakh MusIims participated, Funeral of murd€rer Md Sajid : 30 thousand MusIims participated, Funeral of great man APJ Abdul Kalam : Not even 300 MusIims participated All 3 were MusIims & yet this difference, says a lot about their mindset.”
An advocate, Girish Bharadwaj wrote, “Over thousands attended the funeral of Sajid, who fatally attacked two young Hindu children yesterday, viewing him as a hero. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬?”
Another social media user wrote, “More than 30,000 Muslims participated in the last rites of Sajid to pay respect who brutally murdered two small Hindu kids yesterday. They are attending the funeral to show sympathy for the monsters who chopped throats of two kids, how can we have any sense of respect for them?”
Javed claims innocence
The second accused, Javed, who had been evading capture since the murder of two Hindu boys in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh, was finally apprehended in Bareilly on March 21. The Uttar Pradesh Police had issued a reward of Rs 25,000 for information leading to Javed’s arrest. Subsequently, a video emerged online showing the accused confessing that he had fled to Delhi following the commission of the murder. According to the FIR, Javed, accompanied by Sajid, arrived on a motorcycle and assaulted a child. Presently, the police are interrogating Javed, with further developments expected to unfold in this case.
It’s noteworthy that on the evening of March 19, 2024, Sajid, who operated a barbershop in Badaun, fatally stabbed two Hindu youngsters, Ayush and Ahan. Sajid fled the scene but was later killed in a police encounter. Meanwhile, Javed, Sajid’s brother and an accomplice in the crime, managed to evade capture until his apprehension near Bareilly. Police had conducted extensive raids and had offered a reward for Javed’s capture prior to his arrest.
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