In a heart-wrenching incident that shook the residents of Badayun, Uttar Pradesh, two innocent Hindu children, aged 6 and 14, were mercilessly butchered to death on the evening of March 19. The victims, identified as Ahan and Ayush, fell prey to the heinous act perpetrated by Sajid, whose life met a dramatic end in a subsequent encounter with the Uttar Pradesh police.
According to the preliminary investigation, Sajid arrived outside the victims’ residence on a motorcycle accompanied by his brother, Javed, around 7 p.m. Seeking a loan of Rs 5000, Sajid entered the house and confronted Vinod Kumar’s wife, Sangita, while sending their second son, Piyush Pratap, on an errand.
Tragically, Sajid’s ulterior motive unfolded as he led the innocent children, Ahan and Ayush, to the roof where they met their untimely demise.
Vinod Kumar, the grieving father, promptly filed a First Information Report (FIR), narrating the harrowing sequence of events leading to the loss of his beloved sons.
Budaun, UP Double Murder Case | On the complaint of the father of the deceased, Police register FIR against the accused Sajid and his brother Javed.
FIR reads “The accused Sajid told my wife that he wanted money as his wife was about to deliver a child. When she went inside to…
— ANI (@ANI) March 20, 2024
According to the FIR, the accused Sajid, who was killed in an encounter, told the children’s mother that he wanted money as his wife was about to deliver a child. When she went inside to take money, he said that he was feeling unwell and wanted to go for a walk on the terrace and took the two minor boys with him.
As recounted in the FIR, Sangita stumbled upon a chilling scene as she emerged with the money, witnessing Sajid and Javed descending the stairs, brandishing a blood-stained knife.
The mother’s worst fears were realised when she discovered her two sons lying lifeless in a pool of blood on the roof. Despite the chaos, Piyush narrowly escaped the assailants’ wrath.
“Sajid also tried to attack my surviving son and he sustained injuries. Both were running away and Sajid told my wife that today he had completed his work,” the FIR reads.
Amidst the chaos, the locals rallied, apprehending Sajid, while Javed managed to evade capture. However, the situation took a dramatic turn when Sajid engaged in a fatal confrontation with the police hours later. The police narrative detailed a desperate attempt by Sajid to evade arrest as he fled towards the jungles of Sirsa Dabri.
Ignoring repeated pleas to surrender, Sajid resorted to gunfire, injuring a police officer before meeting his own demise in a hail of bullets.
The encounter with Sajid revealed damning evidence, including an illegal firearm and live ammunition in his possession.
Further investigation uncovered Sajid and Javed’s familial ties, with both implicated in the heinous crime.
An FIR has been lodged against them at the Civil Lines police station, charging them with murder, attempted murder, and trespassing.
As the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, authorities continue their relentless pursuit of Javed, who remains at large.
Meanwhile, preparations for the final rites of the deceased children are underway, with a significant police presence deployed in the area to ensure peace and security amidst the sombre atmosphere.
Budaun SSP Alok Priyadarshi narrated the incident when the accused Sajid entered the house yesterday at around 7:30 pm and went to the terrace where the children were playing.
The accused ran a barber shop in front of the children’s residence. He had demanded Rs 5,000 from the children’s mother but murdered the two boys despite his demand being accepted.
“Police teams swung into action when they got to know that the accused had escaped… The accused fired at the police and was killed in retaliatory fire,” Priyadarshi said.
Meanwhile, the police is searching for another accused, Javed, and has assured that he will be arrested soon. Police officers and security personnel also conducted a flag march in the city.”
The investigation into this horrific incident remains ongoing, promising justice for the innocent lives lost.