In a recent development in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, tensions escalated following allegations of an attempted Christian conversion, prompting protests from Hindu organisations. The incident, which unfolded on Sunday within the jurisdiction of the Kaushambi police station, has led to the detention of several individuals and a flurry of police activity.
According to reports, members of Hindu organisations lodged a complaint at the Kaushambi police station, alleging that outsiders, including American and Korean nationals, distributed pamphlets advocating Christianity among economically disadvantaged Hindu families in the Kaushambi area. These pamphlets urged recipients to gather at a designated location, leading to the involvement of groups such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).
Upon arrival at the gathering, VHP activists claim to have found minors, including foreign nationals, among the attendees. Allegations surfaced that monetary incentives were offered to entice Hindus, coupled with the distribution of literature containing religious content from various faiths, allegedly causing confusion among participants.
In response to the outcry from Hindu organisations, the police intervened at the venue. However, it was revealed that the police had not been informed beforehand about the program. Initially calming the protesting crowd, law enforcement subsequently escorted the event organisers to the police station for further questioning and investigation.
Among those present at the gathering were individuals from the United States and Korea, with women also identified as organisers. Several individuals have been detained for questioning as the investigation unfolds. Pamphlets distributed at the event bore headlines such as “Remember the Sacrifice of Jesus,” featuring biblical quotes and invitations to commemorate Jesus’ death at a specified location and time.
One pamphlet titled “The Dead Will Come Back to Life. It is reality, not a dream” mentioned a special speech based on the Bible and directed readers to a website named The copyright for these materials is attributed to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in Pennsylvania, USA.
Additional pamphlets in circulation pose inquiries such as “What will the world be like when Satan’s reign ends?” and “Will the dead come back to life?”.
As of now, the Ghaziabad police have not issued an official statement regarding the incident. Updates regarding the police’s stance on the matter are anticipated and will be reported as soon as available. The situation remains fluid as authorities continue their investigation into the allegations of attempted conversion and related activities.
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