In an alarming incident on Friday, March 15, Islamists reportedly assaulted a Hindu man identified as Rajiv Kumar Dey for keeping his shop open during daytime hours throughout the month of Ramzan. The attack unfolded in Sylhet city, located in Bangladesh.
The assailant, identified as Sohail Hassan, purportedly a member of the Chhatra League—the student wing affiliated with the ruling Sheikh Hasina-led Awami League government—allegedly targeted Dey, who operated a small shop near the Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital (SOMCH). Reports suggest that Hassan and his associate had demanded money, known locally as “chada,” from Dey since the commencement of Ramzan. However, Dey refused to comply with their demands.
Despite refusing to pay the extortion money, Dey continued to operate his business. To accommodate the fasting Muslims observing Roja during Ramzan, he erected a curtain outside his shop. His intention was to cater to Hindu patients visiting the nearby hospital during daylight hours.
Additionally, in the evenings, Dey would offer iftari, the meal consumed to break the fast, to his Muslim customers. However, on the afternoon of March 15th, Hassan and his accomplice confronted Dey, accusing him of offending religious sentiments during Ramzan by operating his business as a Hindu. They further contended that a Hindu individual could not sell iftari to Muslims. Subsequently, they launched a violent attack on Dey, using a sharp weapon and causing substantial damage to his shop.
The assault resulted in severe injuries to Dey, who was later admitted to the Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital. He sustained 18 stitches on his head as a result of the attack, and his shop’s cashbox was reportedly looted during the altercation. Furthermore, one of Dey’s employees was also injured in the onslaught.
Upon receiving information about the incident, a police team led by Officer-in-charge (OC) Mohammad Moinuddin arrived at the scene. However, as of now, no police case has been registered in connection with the assault.
This episode is not an isolated one, as it underscores a pattern of persecution faced by Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. Earlier this year, in January, reports surfaced regarding the alleged land usurpation by Ibrahim Miya, the convenor of the Chhatra League at the Kachua Government Bangabandhu Degree College, from a Hindu family in Basabaria village, Bangladesh.