A disturbing incident unfolded on March 1, within the premises of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), where a group led by self-proclaimed JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, along with Danish Ali and Swati Singh, reportedly launched a vicious attack on students affiliated with the Bachelors and Masters programs at the School of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies.
The assailants, believed to be associated with Ghosh and her cohorts, subjected the students to a wave of violence, disregarding human safety and dignity. Shockingly, even physically handicapped students were not spared from the brutality inflicted upon them.
#WATCH | Delhi | A clash broke out between ABVP and Left-backed student groups at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), last night. The ruckus was reportedly over the selection of election committee members at the School of Languages.
(Video Source: JNU students)
(Note: Abusive… pic.twitter.com/BfpFlhUM2T— ANI (@ANI) March 1, 2024
The assault on students of the School of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies represents a serious violation of educational principles, tolerance, and human decency. As the JNU community grapples with the aftermath of this reprehensible act, there is a pressing need for justice to be served and measures to be implemented to safeguard the welfare of all members within the academic fraternity.