In a fresh blow to the Dravidia Model DMK government in Tamil Nadu, anti-corruption NGO Arappor Iyakkam has exposed a Rs. 700 crore scam involving the illegal mining of rough stone and gravel. The allegations target DMK Lok Sabha Member S Gnanathiraviyam, accusing him of corruption in connection to the stone quarry operations primarily in Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu, and one quarry in Tirupur.
TN BJP chief K Annmalai has been actively revealing documents and exposing corruption within the DMK government, gaining considerable public support. Now, Arappor Iyakkam adds to the mounting accusations, claiming that the corruption in the stone quarry operations has resulted in a substantial loss of Rs. 700 crores to the government.
anti-corruption NGO Arappor Iyakkam has written a letter to the Director of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) in Chennai, unraveling a Rs. 700 crore scam related to illegal mining of rough stone and gravel in Tamil Nadu. The complaint names key figures, including former Commissioner of Geology and Mines Jayakanthan IAS, 53 quarry owners, Tirunelveli MP Gnana Draviyam, SAV Group owner and DMK leader Graham Bell, and others associated with the ruling DMK party.
The NGO alleges that these individuals manipulated acts and rules of the mining department to escape penalties for illegal mining. The complaint urges the DVAC to initiate an FIR against them, citing their alleged involvement in corrupt practices.
The scam came to light after a tragic incident in May 2022 at a quarry in Adamithipankulam near Tharuvai Village, Palayamkottai Taluk, where four workers lost their lives in a landslide. Subsequent investigations revealed violations by the lessee, Sankaranarayanan, including deviations from approved mining plans and environmental regulations, leading to the suspension of quarrying operations.
The NGO’s letter states that the then Director of Geology and Mines, Nirmalraj IAS, formed six teams to scrutinise all quarries in Tirunelveli for potential violations. The inspection, carried out from May 22 to May 27, 2022, exposed illegal mining activities in 53 out of 54 stone quarries, surpassing permitted limits. The Sub Collector of Cheranmadevi imposed penalties on each quarry involved in illegal mining based on the inspection report. A total of Rs 262 crores in penalties were levied for violations identified in 24 quarries, as revealed through the Right to Information Act by the NGO.
The NGO’s letter to the Director of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) implicates individuals, including former Commissioner of Geology and Mines Jayakanthan IAS, 53 quarry owners, Tirunelveli MP Gnana Draviyam, SAV Group owner and DMK leader Graham Bell, and others associated with the DMK party. The complaint urges the DVAC to initiate an FIR against these individuals for their alleged involvement in corrupt practices related to illegal mining activities.
The controversy dates back to May 2022 when a tragic incident at a quarry in Adamithipankulam led to the deaths of four workers, exposing rampant illegal mining in Tirunelveli district. Following inspections by the then Director of Geology and Mines, Nirmalraj IAS, penalties totaling Rs. 262 crores were levied on 24 quarries for illegal mining activities.
However, subsequent developments raised eyebrows. Director Nirmal Raj was replaced by Jayakanthan IAS in June 2022, coinciding with the temporary closure of all quarries by District Collector Vishnu IAS due to widespread illegal mineral extraction. The NGO alleges political pressure from Radhapuram MLA and State Legislative Assembly Speaker Appavu, and MP Gnana Draviyam on Collector Vishnu in July 2022.
A press conference turned contentious as DMK leaders faced questions about the economic impact of quarry closures. MP Gnana Draviyam expressed frustration over the unemployment caused by the shutdown, leading to a heated exchange between the leaders and the media.
The appeal process further raised suspicions as quarry owners directly appealed to Jayakanthan, bypassing the prescribed procedure. Jayakanthan reduced the total penalty for 24 quarries to Rs 13.83 crores, sparking allegations of favouritism and connections between Jayakanthan and politically affiliated quarry owners linked to the ruling DMK party.
Arappor Iyakkam alleges a coordinated effort to exert pressure on officials to reopen operations related to rough stone and gravel. The organisation emphasises irregularities in the appeal process, violations of established procedures, and a significant connection between Jayakanthan and DMK quarry owners. Notably, this is not the first time the NGO has exposed corruption within the DMK government, having previously unveiled scams in the purchase of transformers for EB, a Rs. 6000 crore coal scam, and a Rs. 165 crore land scam.
As the DVAC contemplates action, the quarry scam adds to the growing list of allegations against the DMK government in Tamil Nadu, raising concerns about corruption, political interference, and the impact on the state’s mining sector. The unfolding controversy underscores the delicate balance between economic development, environmental conservation, and ethical governance in Tamil Nadu.
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