Sandeshkhali Horror: ABVP demands justice for victims of sexual assault; organises candle march

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The Akhil Bharatiya Vidhayrthi Parishad (ABVP) unit of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College organised a candle march, expressing outrage over the heinous actions allegedly perpetrated by members of the TMC goons in Sandeshkhali, West Bengal. The event served as a poignant demonstration against the reported sexual assaults on women, demanding a swift and thorough investigation into the distressing incident.

In a fervent display of solidarity, members of the ABVP rallied together, condemning what they described as the callous exploitation of women and the egregious violation of their rights.

The incident in Sandeshkhali has sparked widespread concern, with allegations surfacing of land-grabbing and sexual assault carried out under duress by members of the Trinamool Congress, the reigning political entity in the region. Such acts of violence against women have regrettably become all too common in West Bengal, prompting growing apprehension and condemnation from various quarters.

Harsh Attri, the state secretary of ABVP Delhi, minced no words in articulating the gravity of the situation, stating unequivocally, “Women are not safe in West Bengal.” He emphasised the urgent need for concrete measures to ensure the safety and security of all individuals within the state. Attri underscored the significance of the candle march as a symbolic gesture of solidarity and protest, aimed at drawing attention to the plight of the victims and pressing for a thorough investigation into the matter.

Since January, tensions have surged in Sandeshkhali following protests by local women demanding the arrest of Sheikh Shahjahan and his associates, Uttam Sardar and Shibu Prasad Hazra. The women have accused them of forcibly seizing land, flooding fields with saltwater to render them infertile, and perpetrating systematic sexual harassment.

On February 8, hundreds of women in Sandeshkhali took to the streets in a demonstration against land grabs, unpaid wages, and sexual violence allegedly committed by Sheikh Shahjahan and his accomplices. While TMC leader Shibu Prasad Hazra was arrested on February 17 for land grabbing and sexual exploitation, the primary accused, Sheikh Shahjahan, remains at large.

The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC), following its visit to Sandeshkhali, submitted a report on February 16 recommending the imposition of the President’s rule in West Bengal due to rampant lawlessness. The report was presented to President Droupadi Murmu, and NCSC Chairperson Arun Halder met with her to discuss the matter.

Halder disclosed that the President assured the NCSC team of action following their investigation. However, during their attempt to meet with sexual assault victims in Sandeshkhali, the NCSC team allegedly faced misconduct from several police officials.

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