In a startling discovery, numerous objectionable items were unearthed within the confines of Dibrugarh Central Jail in Assam, where 10 pro-Khalistani propagators, led by Amritpal Singh, are currently incarcerated. Assam Police’s Director General, G P Singh, disclosed that extensive searches were conducted in the cells housing these radicals, resulting in the recovery of various objectionable items, including cell phones. The Assam Police have initiated an inquiry to determine the origin of these items and the means by which they found their way into the National Security Act (NSA) cells.
DGP Singh explained, “On receiving information about unauthorised activities in NSA cells, additional CCTV cameras were installed in the public area of the NSA Block. Subsequent confirmation of unauthorised activities prompted a thorough search of the NSA Cell premises, leading to the lawful seizure of a smartphone with SIM, keypad phone, TV remote with keyboard, spy-cam pen, pen drives, Bluetooth headphones & speakers, and a smartwatch.” The investigation aims to identify the sources and methods used to introduce these unauthorised articles. Legal actions are underway, accompanied by preventive measures to forestall a recurrence of such incidents.
It’s noteworthy that Amritpal Singh, the prominent Khalistani radical, was transferred to Dibrugarh Central Jail from Punjab on April 24, 2023. The jail also houses nine other pro-Khalistani propagators, all charged under the National Security Act. Despite family members meeting the detainees with prior authorization, the baffling entry of objectionable items into this high-security zone remains a grave concern. A comprehensive probe, launched by top-level police officials and jail authorities, aims to unveil the origins and supply sources of these sensitive items within the Assam jail, underscoring the imperative need for a thorough investigation.
The duration of pro-Khalistan radical Amritpal Singh’s use of the discovered cell phones remains uncertain, raising questions about the extent of unauthorised communication within the high-security confines of Dibrugarh Central Jail. In an effort to unravel this mystery, police authorities are meticulously examining the phone records associated with the recovered devices. Simultaneously, jail authorities are interrogating the NSA detainees, seeking insights into the circumstances surrounding the presence of these objectionable items. The apparent security lapse in the NSA cells has sent shockwaves through the state’s police department, emphasising the imperative need for heightened vigilance and stringent measures to safeguard against such breaches in the future.
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