The picturesque town of Churachandpur in Manipur has become the epicentre of escalating violence, with recent incidents leaving two dead, over a dozen injured, and the district in turmoil. Kuki miscreants, fueled by unrest, set ablaze the residence of the District Collector, creating a volatile situation that prompted security forces to open fire on a mob storming the superintendent of police offices.
Eyewitnesses recount a chaotic scene as the collector’s residence and security forces’ vehicles parked near the mini secretariat were engulfed in flames during the late-night turmoil on January 15th. The severity of the attack compelled the state government to take unprecedented measures, suspending cellular data services in the Kuki-majority Churachandpur district for five days.
Citing concerns about “anti-social elements” exploiting social media to incite public passions, the joint secretary (home) issued an order to suspend mobile internet and data services. The move aims to prevent further loss of life, damage to property, and disturbances to public tranquility and communal harmony in the already volatile region.
While Manipur Police have not officially commented on casualties, locals claim that Churachandpur residents Letlalkhuol Gangte and Thanggunlen Haokip lost their lives due to gunshot wounds, with over a dozen others sustaining injuries during the violence.
The incident unfolded following the suspension of a police head constable from the tribal Kuki community. A viral video showing the constable alongside “armed men” and “village volunteers” prompted his suspension for “grave misconduct.” This further fueled public outrage, leading to the storming of the police superintendent’s office.
In a disturbing act captured on video, a large mob forcibly brought down the Indian tricolor at the SP office, vandalised the premises, and set the District Collector’s bungalow ablaze. Numerous security forces’ vehicles also fell victim to the rampage.
The tensions have led both the Kuki and Meitei communities to establish barricades at key points, guarded by armed individuals identifying as “village defense volunteers.” The volatile situation has not only claimed lives but also displaced over 60,000 people since the ethnic violence between the Meitei and Kuki communities erupted on May 3rd last year.
Amidst the chaos, Manipur citizens demonstrated solidarity, rallying against the menace of narco-terrorism. Forming human chains and waving the national flag, protestors sent a clear message of opposition to the growing threat in the region.
As the situation unfolds, Manipur remains at a crossroads, grappling with the aftermath of violence that has not only claimed lives but also shaken the foundations of communal harmony in the troubled Churachandpur district. The suspension of internet services underscores the government’s efforts to quell the unrest and restore normalcy in a region plagued by deep-rooted tensions.
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