Members of the Student Federation of India (SFI) at Calicut University campus have erected boards featuring caricatures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi accompanied by derogatory and offensive captions. These images appear to incite communal discord, with one portraying Modi hanging a Muslim woman and another depicting Adolf Hitler carrying the Prime Minister on his head. Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) workers have filed complaints with Governor Dr. Arif Mohammed Khan, the university’s Chancellor, Vice Chancellor Dr M K Jayaraj, and Pro Vice-Chancellor regarding the matter.
The complaint highlighted that the images and the caption, “those who implement Hitler’s policies will face Hitler’s fate,” are deemed insulting to the Prime Minister. Erected under the banner of “SFI Calicut University Campus,” the boards are alleged to be aimed at provoking certain students and disrupting campus peace. ABVP’s complaint urged the immediate removal of the boards.
Despite two days passing, the pictures remain untouched, indicating a lenient stance from the university’s Vice Chancellor towards the alleged intentions of SFI. Last December, SFI attempted to disrupt the Governor’s program on the same campus. On the initial day, police adopted a ‘soft approach’ towards SFI members and leaders. While they were eventually removed from the site, the manner in which the police handled the situation appeared notably gentle, with officers seen politely requesting cooperation from the SFI members, giving the impression that the SFI members held authority over the police personnel.
The following day, SFI members attempted to disrupt the Governor’s program, which focused on addressing a seminar titled “The Contributions of Sree Narayana Gurudev, Chattambi Swami & Shubhananda Gurudev towards the renaissance of Kerala,” prompting the police to resort to lathi-charge. Notably, the Vice Chancellor, expected to inaugurate the seminar, did not attend, indicating his stance on the matter.
SFI and CPM persistently engage in attacking and disrespecting symbols and leaders revered by the nation.
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