Tamil Nadu BJP President K Annamalai, emphasised the need for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third consecutive term to catalyse political change in the state. During his ‘En Maan En Makkal’ yatra, spanning all 234 assembly constituencies, Annamalai engages with the masses, addressing local issues and highlighting the achievements of the Modi government over the past decade.
Annamalai positions himself as a robust political alternative in the Dravidian landscape, challenging the dominance of the DMK government, accused of corruption and minority appeasement. His clean, educated image resonates with the public, who see him as a viable option against the traditionally dominant AIADMK.
Focused on bringing about a political shift, Annamalai asserts that BJP rule transcends caste, religion, and dynastic rule. He pledges to prioritise quality education in government schools, tackling a significant challenge in Tamil Nadu. He criticises the DMK for accumulating debt during its three-year rule, contrasting it with the BJP’s commitment to providing world-class education to children without charges.
As Annamalai concludes his yatra, he envisions PM Modi, BJP Chief Nadda, and others participating in the concluding day’s function in Chennai. During a public meeting in Kalasapakkam, he emphasises the yatra’s goal of instigating a political change in a widely accepted format, addressing the state’s problems, and striving for inclusive development.
In Kilpennathur, near Tiruvannamalai, Annamalai underscores the importance of ending the “dynasty rule” prevalent in the DMK. He criticizes Chief Minister MK. Stalin and his son Udhaya Nidhi Stalin, attributing their positions to familial ties rather than merit.
Focusing on Kilpennathur, which boasts over 8,000 acres of farmland cultivating paddy and groundnuts, Annamalai accused Chief Minister MK. Stalin of visiting the district merely for inaugurating buildings and colleges belonging to cabinet colleague E.V. Velu, the Minister for Public Works, Highways, and Minor Ports.
Annamalai criticised Minister Velu, alleging that he serves as the DMK’s financial support system (Any Time Money) and has amassed wealth amounting to Rs 5,442 crore. The BJP leader emphasised that the DMK government should address pressing issues, particularly in districts like Kilpennathur with significant agricultural activity.
Strongly condemning the DMK’s approach to farmers’ concerns, Annamalai denounced the registration of cases against protesting farmers under the Goondas Act, 1982. He argued against the proposed expansion of the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd (SIPCOT) near Cheyyar town, insisting that industrial projects like SIPCOT should be situated in dry, arid areas rather than fertile lands with abundant groundwater.
During his roadshow, Annamalai highlighted achievements from Prime Minister Modi’s nine-year rule, including subsidies for housing schemes benefiting 57,400 poor families, subsidised LPG connections for 2.32 lakh beneficiaries, and the construction of 2.8 lakh toilets in houses lacking such facilities in Tiruvannamalai district.