The National Investigative Agency (NIA), for the first time has collected details of all terrorists including those from the Indian Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba as well as from many Khalistani militant groups and has uploaded the list in one common server at its headquarters in New Delhi.
The NTDFAC Centre
The National Terrorism Data Fusion and Analysis Centre (NTDFAC) which is modelled along the lines of the Global Terrorism Database of the United States of America (USA) is scheduled to be inaugurated by the Union Home Minister Amit Shah on January 31, 2024.
According to sources, details of the terrorists and their associates, including their case history, fingerprints, videos, photos and social profiles and information of terror groups they have belonged to have been compiled. The NTDFAC will also have a face recognition system which will help them scan pictures of suspects from any CCTV footage.
A source said that at the NTDFAC, the NIA has the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System with over 92 lakh fingerprint records, Integrated Monitoring of Terrorism data of more than 2000 terrorist cases along with their case studies, National Integrated Database on Arrested Narco-offenders, their source of funding, their involvements along with cases registered in India, their latest photos and social media profiles.
Message from Home Minister
In 2023, the Union Minister of Home Affairs, Amit Shah had asked all the state police forces and anti -terror agencies to adopt such a ruthless approach that no terrorist group can be formed. “We need to not only combat terrorism, but also dismantle its entire ecosystem. Terrorism has no boundaries and no state can face terrorism alone We have to come together to root out his evil, he said at the two-day anti-terror conference organized by the NIA.
“The NTDFAC will not only help the NIA officers but also help state police forces to identify details of their suspect from this server. Currently, they have uploaded videos and photographs of the terrorists and their associates, but in future there are plans to also put-up voice samples to help identify terrorists,” another source said.
So far, the Ministry of Home Affairs has banned 39 terror organizations and have declared 56 people as designated terrorists under the UAPA (Unlawful Actions Preventions Act). The USA Global Terrorism contains information on more than 125,000 domestic and international terrorist attacks that occurred between 1970 and 2013.