A day after the deadly attack launched by the Maoists on a joint team of security personnel out on a combing operation near the Sukma-Bijapur border, Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister (CM) Vishnu Deo Sai on Wednesday, January 31 reached the Aranpur-based camp of Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA), an elite unit of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and paid his tributes to the martyred heroes.
“The administration has been setting up new security camps to strengthen the security measures and to provide basic amenities to the common people, which has irked the Maoists to act cowardly. The martyrdom of the fallen soldiers will not go in vain, and we will continue to fight these anti-people development disruptive Naxals with firmness,” informed CM Sai in a post on social media platform X.
Speaking to the media at the Aranpur camp, the CM further informed them that three of our soldiers have been martyred, while a total of 15 have sustained injuries. I pay tribute to the martyred personnel. The Maoists are frustrated after the newly formed government of Chhattisgarh has strengthened the fight against the left-wing extremists.
आज बस्तर के 201 कोबरा सीआरपीएफ कैंप करनपुर में पहुंचकर शहीद जवानों को श्रद्धासुमन अर्पित किया।
आम जनता तक बुनियादी सुविधाएं पहुंचाने के लिए शासन द्वारा सुरक्षा व्यवस्था मजबूत करने नए कैंप बनाये जा रहे हैं, जिससे नक्सली बौखलाए हुए हैं और कायराना हरकत कर रहे हैं।
शहीदों जवानों की… pic.twitter.com/SVjvVb2oeH
— Vishnu Deo Sai (@vishnudsai) January 31, 2024
We have also visited the injured personnel who fought with the Maoists with exceptional bravery and courage. Our government is committed to providing basic amenities such as roads, electricity, and rations at the doorsteps of the residents by opening up security camps, though perhaps the Maoists don’t like such moves; hence, they oppose these camps, but our fight against them will go on, added the CM.
Further, when confronted that mobile connectivity is a serious concern in these areas and the security personnel also face difficulties while communicating, the CM replied that we have discussed the issues with the union home minister when the latter visited the State recently and we will provide all the facilities to the security personnel.
It is to be noted that as many as three security personnel were martyred, while a total of 15 Jawans sustained injured after armed cadres of the proscribed CPI Maoist launched a deadly attack on security forces out on a combing operation on Tuesday, January 30.
According to the reports, a joint team of security personnel of District Reserve Guards (DRG), CRPF, CoBRA and district force were out on a combing operation in the Jonaguda-Aliguda area near Tekalgudem camp, where the team was ambushed by the Maoists.
It’s been learned that as many as three security personnel identified as Devan C, Pawan Kumar, and Lambhadhar Sinha have been martyred in the gunfight, while a total of 15 Jawans have received injuries. Among the injured personnel, a total of two have reportedly sustained grave injuries, while the rest are reported to be doing well. All of the injured personnel have been airlifted to Raipur.
Earlier, CM Sai, along with Deputy CM Vijay Sharma, also paid a visit to the injured personnel being treated at Balaji and Narayana hospitals in Raipur and took stock of the situation.
सुकमा एवं बीजापुर जिले की सीमा पर स्थित ग्राम टेकलगुड़ेम में माओवादियों के कायराना हरक़त से घायल हुए जवानों से रायपुर स्थित श्री बालाजी एवं श्री नारायणा हॉस्पिटल जाकर उनकी यथा स्थिति से अवगत हुआ।
चिकित्सकों से उनके स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति के बारे में परामर्श लेकर उनके बेहतर इलाज के… pic.twitter.com/xuq3pnQ5Yj
— Vishnu Deo Sai (@vishnudsai) January 30, 2024
According to the reports, the gunfight occurred in the core Maoist zone, and as many as six extremists were also reportedly killed in the retaliatory fire executed by the forces. The attack on the forces occurred after the security forces recently established a security camp in the area.
Security forces uncovers tunnel dug by Maoist
Meanwhile, the personnel of DRG successfully discovered and destroyed a 30-metre-long tunnel dug by the Maoists with a view to taking shelter or ambush security forces under the Bhairamgarh area of Dantewada.
Chhattisgarh: Visuals from a tunnel dug by #Naxalites to be used as a bunker, in #Dantewada#Sukma #Chhattisgarh #NaxaliteAttack #naxalism #Dantewada pic.twitter.com/FPwAcTn7Gv
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) January 31, 2024
The tunnel was uncovered during a search operation launched by the forces after the Maoist attack on security personnel near Tekalgudem village. The officials suspect that the tunnel was dug to trap or ambush the forces.
It is to be noted that the security forces have intensified counter-insurgency operations in the State lately, while a number of Forward Operating Bases (FOB) are also being set up in the core Maoist zones, which were earlier considered as hotbed of insurgency.