The Election Commission of India (ECI) has set the stage for the Rajya Sabha elections, declaring that 56 seats in 15 states will undergo polls on February 27. The impending elections are crucial as the term of office for 50 Rajya Sabha members from 13 states concludes on April 2, with the remaining six members from two states set to retire on April 3.
The Rajya Sabha, a permanent body, operates on a system where one-third of its members retire every two years to ensure a continual and functional house. The election process involves indirect election by the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies, utilizing a proportional representation system through a single transferable vote.
The states slated for the Rajya Sabha polls encompass Uttar Pradesh (10), Maharashtra (6), Bihar (6), West Bengal (5), Madhya Pradesh (5), Gujarat (4), Karnataka (4), Andhra Pradesh (3), Telangana (3), Rajasthan (3), Odisha (3), Uttarakhand (1), Chhattisgarh (1), Haryana (1), and Himachal Pradesh (1).
As per the voting process, each Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) submits a ballot paper with preferences corresponding to the number of candidates to be elected. In the first round, if a candidate secures the required quota of votes, they are declared elected.
However, if no candidate meets the threshold, the candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated. The votes for the eliminated candidate are then transferred to the remaining candidates based on the preferences indicated by the MLAs. This iterative process continues until all vacancies are filled.
The Rajya Sabha, as the upper house of the Parliament, plays a crucial role in India’s legislative framework. The staggered retirement of members ensures the continuous functioning of the house, maintaining a balance between experienced members and newly elected representatives.
As the nation gears up for these elections, political dynamics in the Rajya Sabha are expected to witness shifts, reflecting the evolving political landscape across States. The outcomes will shape the composition of the upper house, influencing legislative decisions and policy discussions in the coming years.
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