Following the Pran Pratishtha of Bhagwan Ram, the Yogi Government has started preparations for celebrating the second Republic Day of Amritkal on a grand note on January 26 in Uttar Pradesh. As per the detailed action plan in line with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s vision, the national festival will be celebrated with traditional simplicity, but in an attractive manner in the entire state.
As per the orders of CM Yogi, Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra has directed all the District Magistrates of the state to form a consultative committee in view of the event.
This committee will include representatives of freedom fighters, martyrs’ families, various social organizations, political parties, government departments, educational institutions, and representatives from the district soldier welfare offices. They will be involved in outlining the cultural programs to be organized during the Republic Day celebrations.
Additionally, there will be an initiative to raise awareness among the youth of the country about the ‘Mera Yuva Bharat’ app and encourage them to connect with it. According to the Chief Secretary, this is the second Republic Day during the Amritkal of Independence, and keeping this in mind, various events will be organised across the state.
As per the directions of the Chief Secretary, the flag hoisting process will be completed at Government buildings at 8.30 in the morning and at educational institutions at 10 am.
On this occasion, emphasis will be laid on the spirit of national unity, integrity, secularism and communal harmony. Along with the collective singing of the national anthem, homage will be paid to the sacrifices of freedom fighters and martyrs, and their families will also be honored.
Additionally, to promote national awareness, dramas will be staged, discussions held and essay writings contests will be organised.
After the flag hoisting, many cultural programs including police parade will be organized which will include sports competitions, wrestling and cycle races etc. A route march of NCC Scouts and Guides will also be conducted.
According to the action plan, along with the programs to be held on the occasion of Republic Day, events will also be organized with the aim of creating awareness about the ‘Panch Pran’ of developed India. The programs will also focus on informing the public about Government schemes aimed at the overall development of the state and its people.
Public awareness will also be raised on the Yogi Government’s policy of zero tolerance for crime and corruption as well as efforts being made for good governance, security, and development.
(with inputs from ANI)