In a surprising turn of events, the former captain of the Pakistan cricket team, Shoaib Malik, announced his marriage to Pakistani actor Sana Javed on January 20 in Karachi. However, the joyous occasion was overshadowed by the revelation from Sania Mirza’s father, Imran Mirza, who confirmed that Sania Mirza had already divorced Shoaib Malik. Imran Mirza clarified that the divorce was conducted through the Khula procedure, a traditional Islamic jurisprudential method allowing Muslim women to unilaterally seek divorce.
The Khula procedure involves a Muslim woman initiating divorce by returning the mahr (obligatory payment or possessions given by the groom to the bride during Islamic marriage) and other assets received during the marriage. Imran Mirza confirmed that Sania Mirza chose this method to end her marriage with Shoaib Malik under Sharia law.
Shoaib Malik, who shares a son named Izhaan Mirza Malik with Sania Mirza, took to social media to share a photo of himself with his new spouse, Sana Javed, captioning it with the phrase “And we created you in pairs.”
Interestingly, Malik updated his Instagram profile by removing the previous tag “Husband to a Superwoman Sania Mirza” and unfollowing the Indian tennis star a few days prior.
Sania Mirza also posted a cryptic message on her social media, reflecting on the challenges of marriage and divorce, urging people to “choose their hard.” Reports suggest that speculation about Shoaib Malik’s relationship with Sana Javed had been ongoing since the cricketer wished the actress a happy birthday the previous year.
Sania had shared a cryptic message on her social media handle that read, “Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard! Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard! Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard! Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard! Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we can choose our hard. Pick Wisely!”
Shoaib Malik’s marriage to Sania Mirza in 2010 had garnered significant attention as it marked a union between Pakistani and Indian sports stars. However, the couple had largely kept their personal lives private despite rumors of breakups over the years.
This recent development reveals that Shoaib Malik’s first wife was Ayesha Siddiqui, whom he divorced in 2010 before marrying Sania Mirza, his second wife. Sana Javed now becomes his third wife. Islamic Sharia rules permit a man to have up to four wives simultaneously, with each marriage following a divorce with the existing spouse.
– Alhamdullilah ♥️
“And We created you in pairs” وَخَلَقْنَاكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا
— Shoaib Malik 🇵🇰 (@realshoaibmalik) January 20, 2024
Sana Javed, known for her appearances in Pakistani cinema and popular drama serials, had previously been married to singer Umair Jaiswal in 2020, but news of their divorce surfaced two months prior.
It’s important to note that Sania Mirza, a renowned tennis player, declared her retirement last year after a successful 20-year career, boasting forty-three Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) doubles titles and one singles trophy. The recent developments in her personal life have now captured the attention of fans and the media alike.