Guwahati: Union Home Minister Amit Shah, during his two-day official visit to Assam, participated in various developmental programmes and launch events along with the 60th Raising Day of SSB in Tezpur on January 20. In his address Home Minister Shah highlighted the government’s commitment to the welfare of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), including CRPF, SSB, BSF and other organisations deployed along the border areas under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking on the occasion of the 60th Raising Day Ceremony of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in Tezpur, Assam, HM Amit Shah praised the government’s efforts over the past nine years. He stated, “In the last 9 years, PM Modi has taken several steps for the welfare of all the CAPFs, be it CRPF or all the other organisations deployed on the border.” Home Minister Shah also mentioned a commemorative postal stamp released on the occasion of the Raising Day of SSB , emphasising its significance in preserving the dedication to duty exhibited by security forces in front of the nation.
Reflecting on the historical context, Home Minister Shah mentioned the implementation of the ‘One Border One Force’ policy during former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure. He highlighted the establishment of SSB in 1963 after the India-China war and its role in safeguarding the India-Nepal border since 2001 and the India-Bhutan border since 2004.
Today marks the 60th Raising Day of Sashastra Seema Bal, an occasion to acknowledge the unwavering dedication of SSB personnel over the past six decades. They have played a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and security of India’s frontiers, preventing illegal cross-border activities such as smuggling and unauthorised entry, HM Shah mentioned.
The SSB’s commitment extends beyond traditional border patrol duties. By actively engaging with border populations, they contribute to fostering goodwill and cooperation. Their community engagement and social welfare initiatives have strengthened relationships with local residents, essential for effective border management.
Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit and the commemoration of the 60th Raising Day reinforce the government’s commitment to the welfare and security of India’s border regions. The SSB’s multifaceted efforts continue to be instrumental in ensuring stability, peace, and strong ties with border communities.