Amid the countdown to the opening of the Ram mandir in Ayodhya on January 22, Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Chief Pandit Acharya Satyendra Das Maharaj on January 19, said the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ on January 22 will mark the ritualistic transference of the soul and spirit of the deity into the murti.
Ahead of ‘Pran Pratishtha’, the murti of Bhgawan Ram was placed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the mandir in on January 18.
Covered by a veil, the first photo of the murti was revealed during the placement ceremony in the sanctum sanctorum. The images were shared by Sharad Sharma, media in-charge of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). Vedic Brahmins and revered Acharyas were seen leading worship ceremonies inside the sacred precincts of the Sri Ram mandir.
Speaking to media on January 18, the Chief Pandit at Ayodhya’s Ram Janmbhoomi said, “The soul and spirit of Bhagwan Ram, which are worshipped by one and all, will pass on to the murti through the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony. The ritual would involve the chanting of verses from the Vedas.”
Detailing the significance of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’, the seer said, “The energy of Bhagwan Ram that we worship, which helps in our well-being and keeps us in good spirits and of sound body and mind at all times, will be transferred to the murti. So, worshipping this murti of Shri Ram Lalla will bring good health and tidings.”
On the number of days it takes for the entire Pran Pratishtha to be conducted, the Chief Pandit said, “The Pran Pratishtha started on January 17 and will end on the January 22. Sometimes it takes seven days, while at other times it could stretch to 11 or even 23 days.”
#WATCH | Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra chief priest, Acharya Satyendra Das explains in detail the 'Acharyavarnam' ritual, ahead of Ayodhya Ram temple 'Pran Pratishtha'
— ANI (@ANI) January 18, 2024
The seer added that the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ starts with the Kalash Yatra followed by the bhagwan’s ‘Nagar Bhraman’ (tour around town) and a bath in the Saryu river.
“After the Kalash Yatra, the Nagar Bhraman (town visit) of the murti took place and was followed by a bath in the Saryu river. These were part of the initial rituals surrounding the ceremony. All the rituals are being performed with water from the Saryu River. The rituals will performed over six days,” the Acharya said.
#WATCH | Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra chief priest, Acharya Satyendra Das explains the Ram Temple 'Pran Pratishtha' rituals
— ANI (@ANI) January 18, 2024
Sharing further details on the rituals around the final day of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’, the Chief Pandit said, “On January 22, the murti will be treated to the rituals surrounding jaladivas, dugdhadivas, pushpavivas, aushadivas, and annadivas before it is bathed. Following this, the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ would be done through the chanting of Vedic verses.”
“After the ‘Pran Pratishtha’, when the murti has imbibed all the powers of the deity, it will be put in its place at the Garba Grah (sanctum sanctorum). After this, a mirror would be placed in front of the murti and kajal (kohl) would be applied (to its eyes). This is the final stage of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ after which the murti could be visited and sighted by the devotees,” the seer added.
Explaining the significance of holding a mirror in front of the deity, the Chief Pandit said, “The mirror will be kept in front of the murti so that the energy that goes into it from the deity Himself doesn’t come into contact with a weak or feeble along the way. The energy should be pure and unalloyed or undiminished. So Bhagwan Ram is made to show his face in the mirror. The kohl would be applied to ward off evil spirits.”
Meanwhile, ahead of the ‘Pran Prathistha’ on January 22, the city wore a festive look and was decked up with vibrant petals on January 18, as it awaited the return of Bhagwan Ram after an exile spanning 500 years.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will perform rituals to mark the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ while a team of priests, led by Lakshmikant Dixit, will perform the main rituals. Several celebrities and other top dignitaries have been invited to the ceremony.
(with inputs from ANI)