With just ten days until the grand opening of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Shree Kala Ram Mandir in Nashik on January 12, offering prayers and immersed himself in the spirit of the epic Ramayana.
During the visit, the ‘Yuddh Kand’ from Ramayan, depicting Bhagwan Ram’s return to Ayodhya, played in Marathi, with PM Modi listening to an AI-translated Hindi episode. In a symbolic gesture, the Prime Minister actively participated in cleaning the temple premises, aligning with his call for a nationwide cleanliness campaign leading up to the Ayodhya temple inauguration on January 22.
PM Modi addressed the public in Nashik, encouraging citizens to engage in cleanliness campaigns at pilgrimage places and temples across the nation. His visit to Nashik, just days before the Ayodhya ceremony, underscores the historical and spiritual connections of Panchavati to the Ramayana narrative.
Panchavati, mentioned in the epic Ramayana, holds a sacred place as it was where Bhagwan Ram, along with Mata Sita and Bhagwan Lakshman, spent years of exile in the Dandakaranya forest. The Prime Minister emphasised the spiritual significance of Kala Ram Temple and encouraged a collective effort to clean such sacred sites nationwide.
Expressing his thoughts, PM Modi stated, “I had called that by January 22, we all should clean the pilgrimage places and temples of the country and run a cleanliness campaign. Today, I have the privilege of visiting Kala Ram Temple and cleaning the temple premises.”
As Ayodhya prepares for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir, set for January 22, the nation is enveloped in devotional fervor. The ceremony will witness the presence of several BJP leaders, including veterans like LK Advani, along with diverse political leaders, celebrities, sports personalities, seers, and scholars.
PM Modi’s visit to Nashik, cleaning the temple premises, and engaging in spiritual activities align with the broader call for cleanliness and devotion leading up to the historic inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, marking a significant chapter in India’s cultural and religious heritage.
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