In a chilling incident that occurred on January 8, a 24-year-old man identified as Shoaib Shaikh was arrested for the alleged murder of his 35-year-old Sikh girlfriend, Amit Kaur. The heinous crime took place in the Turbhi suburb of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, revealing a grim tale of suspicion and betrayal.
Amit Kaur and Shoaib Shaikh reportedly met on a dating app around three months ago. The fatal night in question marked Amit’s birthday, and the couple decided to celebrate by checking into a lodge in Turbhi.
Tragically, the celebration took a dark turn when Shoaib Shaikh, fueled by suspicions of his girlfriend’s alleged affair, strangled Amit to death within the confines of the lodge. Following the gruesome act, Shaikh calmly left the premises and returned to his residence in the Saki Naka neighborhood of Mumbai.
According to Turbhe senior police inspector Ravindra Daundkar, the couple had used their respective identity cards to book the room. The lodge staff noticed Shaikh leaving around midnight but found nothing suspicious at the time. It was only later, when the police opened the room, that they discovered Amit Kaur’s lifeless body.
Around 2 o’clock in the night, assistant inspector Valmiki Kore of the Saki Naka police received a tip about Shoaib Shaikh’s involvement. Subsequently, Shaikh was summoned for questioning at the police station, where he confessed to the murder. The Saki Naka police recorded his statement, contacted their counterparts in Navi Mumbai, and dispatched a team to the lodge.
Shoaib Shaikh was apprehended by the Turbhe police, and a case was registered against him under Indian Penal Code Section 302 for murder. Investigations have revealed that Shaikh, a school dropout, worked at a garage owned by a family member. In contrast, the victim, Amit Kaur, held the position of a manager at a private bank. She was a divorcee, a mother to a teenage daughter, and resided with her mother in GTB Nagar in South Central Mumbai.
As the details of this tragic incident continue to unfold, the community grapples with the shocking loss of a life tainted by suspicion and violence. The accused now faces legal repercussions as the investigation into this brutal crime progresses.