In a significant milestone, more than 5 crore Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) accounts have been created during the ongoing Ayushman Bhava campaign. This is reflective of data up to December 28, 2023.
Total footfall combined in Ayushman Aarogya Mandir Melas and Community Health Centre Melas have crossed 11 crore in 13,84,309 Health Melas till December 28, the government said in a press release.
In addition, a total of 4,44,92,564 Ayushman cards have been generated and 1,15,923 Ayushman Sabha organised.
6,41,70,297 people received free drugs and 5,10,48,644 people received free diagnostics services, the press release stated.
45,43,705 pregnant mothers registered in the first trimester and completed the first ANC Checkup and immunisation was provided to 29,83,565 mothers and 49,44,359 children, the press release added.
Ayushman Arogya Mandir has successfully organised and conducted 13,49,356 with a footfall of 9,76,56,060. The Melas included 9,21,783 wellness, yoga, and meditations with 1,02,90,345 Tele consultations conducted. 6,41,70,297 people received free drugs and 5,10,48,644 people received free diagnostics services.
74,04,356 people received Ayush services and 10,99,63,891 were counselled for lifestyle activities.
45,43,705 Pregnant mothers registered in the first trimester and completed the first Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) Checkup and Immunisation was provided to 29,83,565 mothers and 49,44,359 children. 7 types of screening (TB, Hypertension, diabetes, Oral Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer and Cataract) were conducted for 18,94,71,490 people. This data is reflected up to December 28.
Community Health Centre Melas witnessed a registration of 1,54,41,950 people in 37,664 melas. 1,10,05,931 patients consulted general OPD while 49,67,675 patients consulted specialist OPD. 38,309 major surgeries and 1,30,760 minor surgeries have been conducted.
President Droupadi Murmu virtually launched the ‘Ayushman Bhava’ campaign as well as the Ayushman Bhava Portal from Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on September 13, 2023. To facilitate further access to Ayushman Cards, generate ABHA IDs and raise awareness about vital health schemes and disease conditions, such as non-communicable diseases, tuberculosis, and sickle cell disease, health melas have been set up in various parts of the country since September 17, 2023.
These health camps are designed to inform and empower citizens about the Government’s flagship schemes, create awareness and deliver the benefits of welfare programmes directly to the people.
(with inputs from ANI)