In a shocking incident that unfolded on December 25, a Dalit woman was subjected to a heinous rape in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki district. The accused, identified as Mughal-e-Azam alias Riyaz, and his three accomplices perpetrated the crime in the jurisdiction of Dewa Police Station. The victim’s father, identified by the surname Rawat, lodged a complaint on December 26, leading to the registration of a case against the accused.
The complainant, a resident of Sidwaahi village in the Dewa police station area, narrated the disturbing events in the First Information Report (FIR). According to the FIR obtained, the victim had a disagreement with a woman in her in-laws’ family on the evening of December 25. In the aftermath of the altercation, she left her house in anger and walked towards the road outside Sidwaahi village. Subsequently, deciding to return home, she was abducted by Mughal-e-Azam alias Riyaz and his three accomplices in a white car. They took her to a building near the Dewa BSNL Tower, where she was raped one by one.
थाना देवा क्षेत्रान्तर्गत दुष्कर्म के सम्बन्ध में सभी 04 अभियुक्तों की गिरफ्तारी के सम्बन्ध में अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक उत्तरी, बाराबंकी श्री सी.एन. सिन्हा की बाइट-#barabankipolice#UPPolice @Uppolice @adgzonelucknow @igrangeayodhya
— Barabanki Police (@Barabankipolice) December 26, 2023
Distressingly, the victim managed to call her father at 1:30 a.m., informing him of the incident. The victim’s brother dialed 112 to alert the police, but by the time law enforcement arrived, the perpetrators had fled the scene. The victim’s father filed a formal complaint with Dewa Police Station on Tuesday, leading to the filing of charges against the accused under sections 376 (rape), 342 (wrongful confinement), and 3(2)(v) of the SC/ST Act.
Additional Superintendent of Police (North), Barabanki C.N. Sinha provided updates on the case, confirming the arrest of the main accused, Riyaz. During interrogation, Riyaz divulged the identities of his accomplices—Bhoore, Shabbu, and Ismailuddin. Law enforcement authorities, after examining CCTV footage and gathering evidence, successfully apprehended the remaining three accused.
Sinha further mentioned that the victim’s medical examination is underway, and additional actions are being taken to ensure justice in this distressing case.