Guwahati: In a disturbing incident in Assam, Arif Hussain from Mikirbheta, Morigaon district, has been apprehended by the Assam police for posting derogatory content and inappropriate images of Hindu Goddess Mata Sita on social media. This incident has sparked outrage across the nation as preparations for the grand inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on January 22, 2024, are underway.
Arif Hussain was taken into custody on the evening of December 25, following numerous complaints from outraged netizens. The arrest was made under charges of hurting the religious sentiments of the majority Hindu community. The case is currently under investigation by the CID, Assam police, and Arif has been remanded to police custody by a local court.
The accused went to the extent of creating a dedicated Instagram account to carry out the offensive act against Hindu deities. His posts, particularly targeting Mata Sita, drew sharp criticism and condemnation from devotees nationwide. Hundreds of individuals and various social media groups reported the abuse to Assam police, prompting swift action.
Recognising the gravity of the situation, the Special DGP of Assam Police, Harmeet Singh, directed the CID to register a case and conduct a thorough investigation. After scrutinising Arif Hussain’s Instagram account, a joint team from Morigaon police and CID apprehended him from Mikirbheta on December 25.
As the nation eagerly awaits the historic inauguration of the Ram Mandir, this incident serves as a reminder of the need for communal harmony and respect for diverse religious beliefs. Authorities are committed to upholding the sanctity of religious sentiments and ensuring that such acts do not disrupt the unity among communities.