Delhi’s Patiala House Court on December 23, extended the police custody of Mahesh Kumawat, the sixth accused in the Parliament Security Breach case, by 13 days. Special Judge Dr Hardeep Kaur allowed the application of Delhi Police for an extended custody of the accused.
Delhi Police sought a further 13-day custody of the breach accused as part of its ongoing probe into the matter.
#WATCH | Delhi Police gets further 13-days custody of accused Mahesh Kumawat in Parliament security breach case
— ANI (@ANI) December 23, 2023
The special public prosecutor for Delhi Police, Akhand Pratap Singh, submitted that a psychological test of the accused was being done and he needs to be confronted for further leads on the basis of the psychology analysis report.
Parliament security breach case | Delhi's Patiala House Court extends the police custody of accused Mahesh Kumawat for the next 13 days
— ANI (@ANI) December 23, 2023
He was produced before a special judge at Patiala House Court after the expiration of 7 days of police custody, on December 23. He was arrested in connection with the Parliament security breach incident on December 13.
At the last hearing in the case, on December 23, Delhi Police informed the Patiala House Court that the conspiracy behind the security breach incident had been in the works for more than a year and Mahesh attended all the meetings held in different cities in this connection.
The public prosecutor further informed the court that Mahesh had been in touch with the other accused for the last two years and was also a party to the conspiracy.
He attended nearly all the meetings held between them, Delhi Police informed the court, adding that he was actively involved in the act of destroying a mobile phone and providing evidence to the prime accused and mastermind, Lalit Jha.
The police claimed further that he (Mahesh), along with others, wanted to create anarchy in the country and force the Government into meeting their ‘unjust’ and ‘illegal’ demands. Meanwhile, the Delhi Police’s Special Cell also conducted psycho-analysis tests on all the accused in the case. The tests were conducted at a Government institute at Rohini in the national capital, the police informed on December 22.
The psycho-analysis test of Lalit Jha and Mahesh Kumawat was also conducted at the same facility, the police informed.
According to officials, the Special Cell is currently in the process of getting the destroyed SIM cards of all the accused reactivated, which, they believe, could throw up new leads in the case.
(with inputs from ANI)