In a startling turn of events, the Lok Sabha faced a grave security breach on December 13 on the occasion of 22nd anniversary of the Parliament attack, as two individuals, armed with coloured smoke canisters, boldly vaulted from the visitors’ gallery into the parliamentary chamber.
Antecedents being verified. Initial questioning related to security breach and who gave access. Finding out if any connection with those who jumped inside. Multi-agency questioning also likely: Delhi Police sources
— ANI (@ANI) December 13, 2023
The alarming breach, captured by the Lok Sabha’s CCTV system, depicted one of the intruders skillfully navigating desks to evade capture, while the second unleashed coloured smoke within the gallery.
Prompt intervention by Lok Sabha Members of Parliament (MPs) and security personnel led to the swift apprehension of both trespassers, averting potential chaos within the parliamentary chamber.
Notably, two additional individuals, a man and a woman, were detained outside Parliament premises, carrying coloured smoke canisters that detonated upon discovery, emitting red and yellow smoke.
The incident happened when members were raising matters of urgent public importance, and BJP MP Khagen Murmu was raising his issue. BJP Rajendra Agrawal was in the chair when the incident occurred.
The incident has raised serious concerns about the overall security apparatus, with experts and officials questioning the efficacy of the current measures in place. This breach, occurring on the 22nd anniversary of the infamous terror attack on the old Parliament building, amplifies the urgency for a thorough review of security protocols.
In the captured CCTV footage, the audacity of the intruders is evident, further highlighting the need for heightened vigilance and updated security strategies to counter evolving threats. The anniversary connection adds an additional layer of significance to the breach, underscoring the symbolic vulnerability of the parliamentary complex.
Authorities are conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident, seeking to determine the motives behind the breach and whether there are any links to wider security threats. As the nation grapples with the aftermath of this breach, questions loom over the adequacy of security measures, emphasising the imperative to fortify the safeguarding mechanisms surrounding one of the nation’s most critical institutions.