Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 7, said that the recent win of the BJP in Assembly polls in three states was due hard work of all the party workers. Addressing media persons after a meeting of BJP members of Parliament held today, Union Minister Prahlad Joshi said “During the BJP Parliamentary party meeting today, PM Modi said it was the result of the hard work of all the party workers that the BJP achieved a massive victory in three States.
“The PM appreciated everyone’s work. He also said that all BJP MPs and ministers have to participate in Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra from December 22 to January 25.”
Joshi said that during the meeting held ahead of the commencement of proceedings of the day, the Prime minister said the election victory should not be attributed to anyone’s personal victory but was a collective win for the party.
At the meeting the PM also asked party members to not call him “Modi ji.”
“Don’t distance me from the public by making me ‘Modi ji’. I am Modi,” Prahlad Joshi said citing the Prime Minister. Apart from this Union Minister and BJP leader Joshi said, “PM Modi shared an interesting fact today. While being in Government when the Congress party faced elections 40 times in states, it got success only seven times. Whereas BJP got a chance to seek repeat mandate 39 times and got success 22 times.”
“Our percentage is 56 percent and Congress’s is 18 per cent. Thus the figures prove that people’s biggest choice now is BJP,” Joshi said. Prime Minister Modi got a rousing welcome on from BJP MPs at the Parliamentary Party meeting held ahead of the commencement of proceedings of the fourth day of the Winter Session of Parliament began for the day.
Prime Minister Modi got a rousing welcome on from BJP MPs at the Parliamentary Party meeting held ahead of the commencement of proceedings of the fourth day of the Winter Session of Parliament began for the day.
BJP National President JP Nadda welcomed the Prime Minister at the meeting, held after the party’s the victory in three states- Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Party MPs welcomed PM Modi with chants of “Modi ji ka swagat hai” and applause.
#WATCH | BJP National President JP Nadda welcomes PM Modi at the BJP Parliamentary Party meeting in Delhi, after the party sweeps polls in three states
— ANI (@ANI) December 7, 2023
PM Modi was also welcomed with a garland and shawl by Nadda.
#WATCH | Bharatiya Janata Party MPs welcome PM Modi with chants of "Modi ji ka swagat hai" at the Parliamentary party meeting in Delhi, after the party's victory in three states
— ANI (@ANI) December 7, 2023
The meeting, the first by BJP during the current Winter Session comes amid suspense over the selection of Chief Ministers in these three states. The meeting was held at the Balayogi Auditorium in the Parliament House complex, ahead of the commencement of Day 4 of proceedings of the House.
BJP has the crucial task of selecting potential chief ministerial candidates to lead new cabinets for the upcoming five years.BJP tumped not just their rivals but also some pollsters who had predicted tight races in these States.
The election results in four states, especially the losses in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, came as a huge blow to the Congress’s hopes for 2024 as it is now out of power across a vast swathe of the Hindi heartland.
The BJP, which had been battling close to 20 years of incumbency, won a resounding mandate bagging 163 seats while the Congress finished a distant second at 66 seats. In Rajasthan, the vote count painted a starkly different picture to what some of the pollsters had predicted, with the BJP poised to form the Government, winning 115 seats, and the Congress trailing at 69 seats. Of the 90 assembly constituencies in Chhattisgarh, the BJP bagged 54 while the Congress won 35.
The BJP Parliament Party meeting was held at the Balayogi Auditorium in the Parliament House complex.
(with inputs from ANI)