The sleuths of the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) continued their search at the ED sub-zonal office in Madurai throughout December 1, night in connection with the case involving an Enforcement Directorate (ED) officer, Ankit Tiwari.
The ED officer Ankit Tiwari was on Friday caught “red-handed” while accepting a bribe of Rs 20 lakh from a doctor in the Dindigul district. Hours ago, CRPF personnel had also arrived at the ED sub-zonal office in Madurai, where DVAC officers were conducting searches in connection with the case involving the ED officer.
#WATCH | Tamil Nadu | ED officer Ankit Tiwari taken from the DVAC office to be produced before a judicial magistrate in Dindigul.
He was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20 lakhs from a doctor in Dindigul. He along with his team of ED officers had been…
— ANI (@ANI) December 1, 2023
According to DAVC officials, Ankit Tiwari, along with his team of ED officers, had been threatening several people and receiving bribes in the name of closing their case in the Enforcement Directorate.
DVAC officials caught him with Rs 20 lakh cash in Dindigul. The DVAC also held a search at the ED Office in Madurai.
#WATCH | Tamil Nadu Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) officials continue the searches at the ED sub-zonal office in Madurai in connection with the case involving ED officer Ankit Tiwari.
ED officer Ankit Tiwari was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of…
— ANI (@ANI) December 2, 2023
“An investigation is being probed to elucidate whether he blackmailed or threatened any other officials adopting this modus operandi and collected money in the name of the ED,” the DAVC said.
According to an official release issued by DVAC Chennai, Ankit Tiwari is serving as an enforcement officer in the Madurai Enforcement Department office of the Union Government.
#WATCH | Security officials at the ED sub-zonal office in Madurai locked the office after Tamil Nadu Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) officials left following searches here in connection with the case involving ED officer Ankit Tiwari, who was caught red-handed…
— ANI (@ANI) December 2, 2023
On the morning of November 1, 2023, the sleuths of V&AC caught Ankit Tiwari after he had received Rs 20 lakh as a bribe from the complainant. Subsequently, he was arrested at 10.30 a.m. under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
It is pertinent to mention that the sleuths have seised several incriminating documents regarding his misconduct, said the release.
An investigation is being done to elucidate whether he blackmailed or threatened any other officials adopting this modus operandi and collected money in the name of the Enforcement Directorate, it said.
An inquiry will also be conducted to ascertain the involvement of other ED officials in the plot, if any. Further, the V&AC sleuths are conducting searches at the residence of Ankit Tiwari and his Enforcement Directorate office in Madurai, it added. Further searches will be conducted at the places associated with Ankit Tiwari, stated the release.
(with inputs from ANI)