Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on December 1, accused the Samajwadi Party of using caste as a political tool while doing nothing for the weaker sections of society when it was in power in the State.
He criticised Leader of Opposition Akhilesh Yadav, stating that he had forgotten PDA-Picchra (Backward), Dalits (Scheduled Castes) and Alpsankhyak (Minorities)- during his time in Government.
He stated that the misdeeds of these people, who create anarchy and familyism in the State in the name of caste, are not hidden from anyone. “Atal Ji had said that a person is neither high nor low, big nor small – everyone is equal.” CM Yogi Adityanath suggested that if this understanding had been present, the Opposition might not find itself in its current position.
Referring to Raju Pal and Akhilesh Nishad, CM Yogi Adityanath questioned whether they were not part of PDA. He stated that there was talk of demolishing monuments built in honour of social justice pioneers during the SP Government. The names of institutions named after Kanshi Ram and Baba Saheb were changed during the SP Government.
Attacking the Opposition, CM Yogi Adityanath questioned the absence of PDA concerns when the rights of the poor were being violated, and farmers and unemployed individuals were resorting to suicide. He said, “Hum 2022 mein apne karyon ko lekar janta ke beech gaye, 2024 mein jaa rahe hain aur 2027 ki taiyari bhi kar rahe hain.”
CM Yogi Adityanath highlighted the challenging state of affairs in Uttar Pradesh before 2017, during the tenure of the SP Government, which was characterised by a lack of direction, chaos, and anarchy. The negative perception that people held about the State during that period, according to him, reflected a lack of effective governance.
Post-2017, under the visionary leadership of the Prime Minister, the State is making significant strides, moving towards the ambitious goal of reaching a one trillion-dollar economy. “Presently, UP stands as the second-largest economy in the country, and the Government is determined to elevate it to the top position in the near future. This transformation has been accompanied by a notable shift in the perception of Uttar Pradesh.”
Emphasising a positive and forward-thinking approach, CM Yogi Adityanath stated that the Government is not driven by negativity but is actively pursuing goals that align with the aspirations of the State’s 25 crore residents. The overarching priority is to fulfil the aspirations of the poor, farmers, women, and youth, reflecting a commitment to the holistic development and well-being of the people.
(with inputs from ANI)
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