In a recent incident, a case of vandalism has been reported in a temple situated in Reechpal Gadhi village near Noida. The local police discovered broken idols of deities at the scene, raising suspicions that the perpetrators may have been in an inebriated state during the act. Empty alcohol bottles found in close proximity to the temple further supported this hypothesis.
Additionally, reports indicate that the vandals not only damaged the religious artefacts but also set fire to clothes and linen within the temple premises. The severity of the incident prompted the local authorities to take swift action.
According to statements from Additional DSP Hridesh Kathariya of Central Noida, the temple has undergone restoration with the installation of new idols. He remarked, “Local police received information that idols in a temple in Reechpal Gadhi village have been vandalised. New idols have been installed.”
He added, “During the initial probe, the police found some empty liquor bottles near the temple, indicating that some intoxicated miscreants might have been involved in the act of vandalism.”
In response to the incident, a case has been registered at the Bisrakh Police Station against unidentified culprits. Law enforcement has formed a dedicated team to apprehend the suspects and is diligently reviewing CCTV footage to aid in the investigation. The community awaits justice for this unfortunate act of vandalism that targeted a place of religious significance.