The Telangana unit of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has petitioned the Chief Electoral Officer to cancel the political party registrations of BRS, INC, and AIMIM. Furthermore, the organisation has requested that candidates associated with these political parties be disqualified from running in the upcoming Telangana Assembly elections in 2023.
According to the VHP, these parties have engaged in religious appeasement politics, particularly with regard to religious-based schemes. The VHP claims that such practises not only violate the principles of a fair and secular democracy but also undermine the Constitution’s sanctity.
The VHP expresses concern about the promises of Muslim reservations made by BRS, INC, and AIMIM, pointing out that this contradicts the ethos of a secular and inclusive society. The VHP cited a previous ruling by a 5-Judge Bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court on November 8, 2005, which ruled that Muslim reservations were unconstitutional. Notably, this matter is currently under consideration by the Supreme Court.
The VHP claims that pursuing promises and policies that are currently in court demonstrates a disregard for the country’s legal processes and requests that the Election Commission conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. The organisation emphasises the importance of protecting democratic processes and calls for the cancellation of political party registrations for BRS, INC, and AIMIM due to alleged violations of constitutional principles.
In order to maintain the integrity of the electoral process, the VHP emphasises that candidates affiliated with these political parties must be declared ineligible for the upcoming Telangana Assembly elections in 2023. The VHP recognises the delicate nature of matters pertaining to religious beliefs and reservations but also stresses the critical role that political parties play in upholding the rule of law and the nation’s constitutional framework, as any departure from these values is viewed as a threat to democracy’s core.