Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused that Chief Minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) president K Chandrasekhar Rao has opted for contesting from another constituency as he feared to face of the people from Gajwel Constituency and he know that people are angry with him.
“Here our candidate Etala Rajender has been contesting. In the past Rahul Gandhi contested from Amethi and Wayanad. He is pretty sure that he will get defeated. Why Chief Minister has been contesting from another constituency? He has taken every opportunity to cheat farmers and others. House and lands were taken and farmers are left to their fate. He made false promises and he will not be spared by the people or God,” said Modi addressing a public meeting held at Toopran in Gajwel assembly constituency on November 26, from where KCR is contesting.
“Chandrasekhar Rao made false promises only to break them. He need to ask apologies form the locals. Dalit as CM, Dalit bandhu, two bedroom houses, unemployment allowance, water for agriculture and several other promises were not fulfilled. He promised to work for the youth and poor but worked for his family members. He has increased the income of family members. Do we need this CM who will not meet public (pranajalanu kalavani Mukhyamantri), and not coming to secretariat?” he Modi adding that the people have decided to confine him to the farm house.
“Congress and BRS have similarities in corruption, family rule and appeasing. One is the carbon copy other. In both these parties only few family members will get benefitted. If you opt for Congress in the place of BRS, it will be another catastrophe. Be careful about these parties. Only Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can increase the pride of Telangana. We have promised to make BC as CM and we are committed for that. Social justice is possible with only BJP,” said Modi
“After looting Telangana and now KCR wants to come to Delhi to loot. BRS has joined hands with Aam Admi in liquor scam. Several were involved in and some of them are in jail and some on bail. No one will be spared. They have changed mobiles and delivered money. They will go to jail this was Modi’s guarantee,” said the Prime Minister in oblique reference to BRS leader and MLC K Kavitha.
Stating that Union will form a committed to expedite the process in regard to the issue of reservations in ABCD categories, Modi said they are making all efforts to do justice to Madiga community.
He said that people of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have decided to send Congress out and now in Telangana also people will send both BRS and Congress out.
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