BJP State President and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, while addressing the media, said that in the wake of the party intensifying the election campaign, they are confident of coming to power in Telangana. Speaking to reporters here on Monday, Kishan Reddy said that after the release of election manifesto, several sections are coming to close to the party, particularly oppressed sections and dalits, and a silent revolution has been taking place in favour of the party.
“BRS has failed to implement promises it made to the people in the last two elections. People are preventing the campaign vehicles from entering villages. They are questioning BRS leaders about Dalits not making CM, loan waivers, problems with Dharani, not filling posts, and grilling them. It was sure that the BRS government would be dislodged by the public, and change is clearly visible. We are confident of coming to power,” said Kishan Reddy adding that both Congress and BRS have failed to reach the aspirations of the public.
“Congress was responsible for the deaths of 365 students in the first phase of Telangana agitation and 1,200 students and youth in the second phase. People are not trusting the Congress for its guarantees as it had failed to implement them in both Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh. It was not committed to the development of Telangana,” said Kishan Reddy.
Stating that the BJP will stand by its word, he said they withstood all the international pressures and cancelled Article 370 and Triple Talaq case. “We have addressed all sections in our manifesto. We will extend good governance with transparency to the people of Telangana. Congress in the name of Jala Yagnam and BRS in the name of Kaleshwaram looted the state. We will order an inquiry by a retired Supreme Court Judge on all corruption cases in the State after coming to power,” said Kishan Reddy, and stated that a double-engine government is the need of the hour for speedy development in regard to national highways, health education, and infrastructure.
“BRS Government was unable to pay wages on the first of every month to the employees. The government could not run without selling liquor or selling lands. If Congress comes to power the state will completely collapse. It was only Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government which has been offering 80,000 to one lakh jobs every month to the unemployed. We will commence filling of jobs in transparent manner within six months after coming to power. Rs. 3,100 MSP will be paid to paddy. In addition to offering Rs. 18,000 subsidy on fertilisers, we will extend the Rs. 2,500 input subsidy and a local cow will be given to every farmer. We will cancel religious-based reservations that are anti-constitutional. VAT will be reduced on petrol and diesel. Vote for BJP for all round development if the state,” said Kishan Reddy.