Tripura’s Chief Minister, Manik Saha, made the announcement of providing 33 per cent reservation for women in police force at the passing-out parade of the newly established 14th and 15th battalions of Tripura State Rifles (TSR) at the KTDS Police Training Academy in West Tripura district.
The Chief Minister explained that in the recent recruitment drive for the new TSR battalions, a 10% women’s reservation was implemented because the 33% mandatory rule was introduced after the recruitment process had begun. However, he emphasised that in all upcoming government recruitment endeavours, including those for TSR, the government will ensure a 33 per cent reservation for women.
This move is in line with the state government’s earlier decision to mandate a 33 per cent reservation for women in all government recruitment processes, a progressive step aimed at promoting gender equality and empowering women in law enforcement.
Tripura State Rifles (TSR), renowned as one of the nation’s premier counter-insurgency forces, has now expanded to a total of 15 battalions with the addition of these new battalions. Chief Minister Saha praised the dedication and training of TSR jawans, who underwent rigorous training with Border Security Force (BSF) personnel. TSR has played a crucial role in uprooting insurgency in Tripura, contributing to the maintenance of peace and security in the region.
In terms of law and order, Chief Minister Saha pointed out that the situation is “very good.” He highlighted that the State ranks fifth from the bottom on the crime graph of the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). This accomplishment underscores the effective efforts of the state police and security forces in maintaining law and order within the state.
Additionally, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has shown a keen interest in the performance of the State police and TSR. He has been in touch with Chief Minister Saha to inquire about any issues or problems that they are facing. The Chief Minister also stated that he had discussions with police officers to explore ways in which the government can further enhance facilities and support for the police, ensuring their effectiveness in maintaining security and addressing the needs of the state.
DGP Amitabh Ranjan and other senior officials were also present during the colourful passing-out parade of the newly recruited TSR jawans.
Tripura’s commitment to introducing a 33 per cent women’s reservation in police recruitment, including the specialised force TSR, reflects the state’s dedication to gender equality and inclusivity in law enforcement. The expansion of TSR with the establishment of new battalions highlights the state’s emphasis on counter-insurgency efforts, and the remarkable performance of the state police and TSR is evident through Tripura’s favorable position on the NCRB’s crime graph. The support and interest shown by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the state’s security and police performance further underscore the significance of these developments.
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