A 17-year-old Hindu girl committed suicide in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri district after an Islamist shared her nude pictures and videos on the social media platform. The minor’s family has alleged that the accused trapped the minor in his fake love and later recorded intimate clips. When she refused to have ‘conversion-nikah’ he made the pictures and videos viral on social media, ashamed over this, the minor committed suicide.
As per the complaint letter presented to the police by the victim’s family, they alleged that accused Mohammad Zohid Akhtar, trapped their daughter for ‘love jihad’ and later captured her pictures and videos. When the minor refused to convert to Islam and marry him, he shared those videos on Instagram.
When the victim’s family reached Zohid’s house, his family members Shoaib Akhtar, Shoid, Jahid Noor and others assaulted them and also issued death threats in case they took any action. Fearing society, the family did not lodge a formal complaint at the police station.
The minor girl who was deeply affected by the sharing of her videos on these platforms, committed suicide by hanging from a fan on November 2.
The mother of the deceased said that her 17-year-old daughter was alone at home on November 3. When she reached home around four in the evening, she found the door open. As they entered, they saw that their daughter’s body was hanging from the fan in the room.
On November 4, the minor’s family members and Bajrang Dal workers came out on the streets in protest against the incident. They tried to block the road. Made serious allegations against the accused. The family members are demanding action against the accused. The police reached the spot after getting information and cleared the blockade.
As of now, no arrests have been made.
Area Officer Palia, Aditya Gautam said that a case has been registered under the POCSO Act on the complaint of the mother of the deceased. Police is calling this a case of love affair. When the mobile of the accused youth was checked through surveillance, some files were found deleted. From this, it appears that the accused has made an obscene video and made it viral. Further investigation is going on. Whatever facts come to light, strict action will be taken. After getting assurance of action, the family members removed the body from the road and performed the last rites.
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