In order to combat the rush during the upcoming festive season, Bharatiya Rail has announced 327 special trains. Talking to the media, the DRM of the Delhi Division, Sukhvinder Singh said “As the festive season approaches, the Delhi Division is committed to providing a seamless and secure travel experience for passengers, catering to their needs while ensuring a joyful and safe journey to their respective destinations. The festive trains will facilitate the movement of passengers to various destinations, connecting key locations such as Patna, Muzaffarpur, Gorakhpur, Varanasi and more.
He further informed that the division has put in place a range of crowd management strategies. At terminal stations, Railway Protection Force (RPF) staff will oversee the formation of queues for orderly entry into unreserved coaches. Additionally, “May I Help You” booths will be operational at important stations, offering guidance and assistance to passengers.
“Efforts are being made to minimise last-minute platform changes, with nominated staff operating well-equipped mini-controls at major railway stations like New Delhi, Old Delhi, Anand Vihar Terminal and Hazrat Nizamuddin. Special Duty Officers will be deployed during peak hours at key stations to ensure efficient operations,” he said.
“To manage crowds effectively, designated passenger holding areas or pandals will be established at New Delhi and Anand Vihar Terminal. These areas will offer amenities such as covered tentage, lighting, fans, water booths, portable toilet blocks and even entertainment options like TV screens displaying train information and infotainment content,” he added.
DRM informed us that to streamline the process, all eastbound trains will primarily depart from specific platforms at New Delhi and Anand Vihar Terminal. Moreover, extra booking, reservation, and inquiry counters will be opened as required.
It is also notable that for the safety and convenience of passengers, additional ticket checking and commercial staff will be deployed, while the movement of parcels will be restricted during peak periods. Civil Defence volunteers and Scout and Guide personnel will offer support and catering and vending stalls will be strategically placed to avoid hindering passenger movement.
The railway authorities are reinforcing security measures by deploying additional RPF/RPSF personnel, dog squads, baggage scanners and metal detectors at entry points. The installation of extra CCTV cameras, enhanced communication tools and coordination with law enforcement and emergency services will further bolster security arrangements.
Two dedicated teams have been formed to combat incidents of theft of passenger belongings and the illicit black market trade of railway tickets.
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