The National Investigation Agency has filed a case against two naxals whom they have arrested lately. The case involves the seizure of two AK-47 rifles, five magazines, and a substantial cache of 460 rounds of 7.62×39 mm live ammunition. These items were discovered buried in a forested area near Bariakala village, PS-Laukariya, Bagaha, in the West Champaran district of Bihar.
The accused have been identified as Ram Babu Ram (Also known as Rajan) and Ram Babu Paswan (Also known as Dhiraj) and both are residents of Bihar.
The accused are facing a comprehensive array of charges under various sections 16, 17, 18, 20, 38, 39, and 40 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, sections 120B, 121, and 121A Indian Penal Code (IPC) and sections 25(1AA) and 26 of the Arms Act.
The initial registration of the case took place at the Laukariya Police Station in Bagha, Bihar. On June 23, 2023, the NIA assumed jurisdiction over the case, re-registering it as RC-20/2023/NIA-DLI.
Investigations revealed that both individuals were active armed cadres of the proscribed terrorist group, CPI (Maoist), and were carrying out actual operations on the direction of the banned outfit. Ram Babu Ram and Ram Babu Paswan were integral parts of an armed squad under the banner of CPI (Maoist). Their roles extended to raising funds for the outlawed organisation, which was to be employed for unlawful and anti-national activities.
Furthermore, the accused were actively engaged in motivating villagers to join the ranks of CPI (Maoist). Their objective was to bolster the organization’s strength, expand its reach, and propagate its ideology.
Investigations uncovered their deep involvement in a conspiracy to commit terrorist acts. This revelation exposes their connection to the preparatory acts for carrying out acts of terrorism on behalf of the proscribed terrorist organisation, CPI (Maoist).
Both the accused worked with a common intention and motive to execute terrorist acts, with the chilling objective of instilling fear and terror among the people. Their actions were also aimed at undermining the unity, integrity, security, and sovereignty of India. Further investigations into the matter are currently in progress.
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