Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has taken a potshot at former CM and State Congress chief Kamal Nath, alleging that Kamal Nath had defamed the State.
CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan made the remark while speaking to media in the State capital, Bhopal, on October 31.
“Madhya Pradesh is not Kamal Nath’s State. He does not have affection for the State. He defames Madhya Pradesh. Calling Madhya Pradesh a ‘chaupat pradesh’ is an insult to the State and the people of the State. If you (Nath) have political enmity with me, you should target me but why do you insult Madhya Pradesh,” the CM said.
“Those who called MP a Choupat Pradesh, used to try to ruin the State. It is the State where there is public wealth, forest, minerals, natural resources and innocent people and they (Congress) call them Chaupat.
Even before this, they had insulted the country. The public will not tolerate this insult to Madhya Pradesh and the country,” Shivraj Singh Chouhan said.
Notably, recently addressing an election rally in the State, Kamal Nath said that the BJP had ruined the State and made the State a ‘Chaupat Pradesh’ (ruined State).
“BJP has ruined the entire State; it has made the State a ‘Chaupat Pradesh’ (ruined State). It has made the Chaupat agriculture system, employment system, recruitment, health, education, economy and ruined law and order. Chaupat Pradesh is in front of you (public),” former CM Kamal Nath said.
Earlier today, Kamal Nath claimed that several BJP leaders were going to leave the party and join the Congress ahead of the elections.
“Many people from the BJP are going to join Congress, and they all will support the truth. They are understanding the sentiments of the voters of Madhya Pradesh, so they wanted to join the Congress party,” Kamal Nath said. Madhya Pradesh is one of the five States set to hold elections this year.
The State is scheduled to undergo polls in one phase on November 17 and the counting of votes will take place on December 3. Voters will choose legislators from 230 Assembly constituencies.
(with inputs from ANI)
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