Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath highlighted the importance of developing Mirzapur owing to the surge in the total number of devotees who have visited the town. Speaking at the Nari Shakti Vandan programme, which took place at the Babu Upraudh Inter College Ground, CM Yogi said that during Navratri, more devotees are flocking to this sacred place in recent years compared to previously, according to a press release by the Chief Minister’s office.
Recognising this, a grand corridor is being constructed in Maa Vindhyavasini’s Dham. This corridor will not only enhance the facilities available to devotees but also generate substantial employment opportunities for the region’s youth, he informed.
In his address, the Chief Minister said that it is the unwavering commitment of the Prime Minister to ensure respect for half of the population, adding that the state government is diligently working to fulfil this commitment through various schemes.
“Yogi Adityanath highlighted the importance of not underestimating the strength and potential of half of the population, recognising that no society can truly be strong and influential while neglecting this significant demographic,” the release said.
This crucial emphasis on gender equality was initially supported by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the visionary behind India’s new trajectory, who launched the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ program in 2014. This groundbreaking initiative marked a significant turning point, making it evident for the first time in 70 years of independence that women play an integral role in the nation’s political agenda.
CM Yogi stated that the measures aimed at women’s empowerment have set a shining example for the world. He emphasised that whether it’s initiatives like the Jan Dhan Account, Ujjwala Yojana, Saubhagya Yojana, Health Insurance Cover, Housing Scheme, or Ownership (Swamitva Yojana) Scheme, or meeting half the population’s long-standing demand through the enactment of the Nari Shakti Vandan Act during the first session of the parliament in the new building, these have got both national and global recognition. measures worth emulating for the world, as per the release.
Chief Minister Yogi further emphasised that the strides taken in women’s empowerment not only serve as a model for India but also garner global recognition. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unfurled a beacon of progress that guides not just India but half the world’s population.
In his address, the Chief Minister also underlined the profound symbolism represented by the Maa Vindhyavasini, Maa Ashtabhuji, and Maa Kali, emphasising that it epitomises the wholeness of life. He regarded the Vindhyavasini Dham as a prime example of women’s empowerment, demonstrating the essence of existence through this triangular representation of feminine strength.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister provided certificates, laptops, and toolkits to women beneficiaries of various schemes. 11 remarkable women were recognised with the Vindhya Shakti Samman for their outstanding contributions to folk music, education, medicine, sports, social service, judiciary, and security.
Before the event, the Chief Minister performed darshan and worship in the temple of Mother Vindhyavasini Devi as per the rituals. CM Yogi also inspected the Vindhya Corridor’s ongoing construction progress and gave necessary directions to the officials. Besides, the Chief Minister spent time with the children on the temple premises and gave them chocolates, according to the release.
On this occasion, Union Minister of State Anupriya Patel, State Government Minister Ashish Patel, Rajya Sabha members Geeta Shakya, Arun Singh and Ramshakal, BJP Regional President Dilip Patel, District Panchayat President Raju Kanojia, MLC Vineet Singh, MLAs Ratnakar Mishra, Ramashankar Singh, and Anurag Singh as well as BJP and Apna Dal leaders, including Dr Vinod Kumar Bind and Rinki Kol, were present.
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