Defence Minister Rajnath Singh while addressing a gathering on the occasion of Guru Granth Sahib Parkash Utsav in Lucknow said that the Sikh community has done a lot to protect the Sanatana Dharma.”It was Sikhs who started the Ram Janmabhoomi movement and their contribution can never be forgotten by any Indian. The Sikh community has done a lot to protect the Sanatana Dharma,” Singh said.
The minister also said that no Indian can forget the contribution of the Sikh community to Ram Janmabhoomi.
“I wanted to share an important fact according to the government record. On December 1, 1858, according to an FIR, a group of Sikhs raising slogans of Guru Govind Singh captured the premises and wrote ‘Ram Ram’ everywhere on the walls,” Rajnath Singh said.
Hailing the Sikh guru, Guru Nanak Dev, the minister said that Nanak has given inspiration to protect India and Indians.
“…It is our duty to protect India and Indians… Guru Nanak Dev too has given us this inspiration…” he said.
Later, in his post on X, Singh said that Guru Granth Sahib, which gives the message of selfless service, peace and brotherhood, is a source of inspiration not only for the Sikh community but for every Indian.
“Sri Guru Granth Sahib is such an ocean of knowledge and compassion; by diving into it, every person finds the right path. The knowledge given in it is free from the constraints of time and limitations. Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which gives the message of selfless service, peace and brotherhood, is a source of inspiration not only for the Sikh community but for every Indian,” he said in a post in Hindi.
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