Tamil Nadu police, acting suo moto, promptly arrested Vinodh who had hurled bomb at the Raj Bhawan and produced him before a magistrate in the dead of night, securing his remand in prison. This rapid response was in the wake of an attack that occurred just 24 hours before the scheduled visit of the President of India.
However, Raj Bhavan has expressed its concerns through an official tweet, stating that the police did not initially register a complaint regarding the attack on the institution. Instead, they categorised as a simple act of vandalism, swiftly arresting the accused without conducting a comprehensive investigation that could potentially reveal those behind the assault. This, Raj Bhavan argues, is a severe hindrance to a fair and thorough inquiry into the incident.
Raj Bhavan has further sent a detailed complaint to authorities, listing various earlier instances of verbal abusive attacks and police inaction, such as the failure to file FIRs and the alleged dilution of cases. These allegations have raised questions about the safety of the constitutional head of the State and their ability to carry out their duties as the Governor of the state.
Tamil Nadu BJP Chief Accuses DMK Government
Immediately following the attack, Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K Annamalai took to social media, specifically the X handle, to express his suspicions. He suggested that the continuous attacks could lead one to believe that the DMK government is somehow involved in sponsoring these incidents. Annamalai also alleged that DMK party members had assisted Karukka Vinodh in securing bail for multiple cases, including bomb throwing.
In a separate post on X, Annamalai implicated specific DMK functionaries and advocates, Isakki Pandi and VG Nishok, in assisting Vinodh in obtaining bail. He asserted that it was not the BJP’s Muthatamizhselvan, as previously claimed, who was involved. Additionally, Annamalai pointed out that the DMK advocates had also helped an individual who had thrown country bombs at the BJP office in a previous incident.
In a growing controversy, media influencers, public figures, and bloggers are refusing to accept the police theory behind a recent security zone bombing. They raise several questions, including the ability of an allegedly drunken man to carry out such an act. Critics argue that a drunken individual couldn’t accurately remember a target and suggest the possibility of outside involvement. The police version, which claims the suspect is mentally challenged, is also being questioned.
Alleged Connection to Banned PFI Cadres
The situation is further complicated by allegations that banned PFI (Popular Front of India) cadres were seen near the suspect when he was released from the jail. This has sparked suspicions of a possible connection between the suspect and the banned group.
Well-known vlogger Maridhas has alleged a political connection, pointing to the suspect’s participation in protests organised by the DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam) against the previous AIADMK government. He suggests that the suspect may be part of a hooligan gang affiliated with the DMK, being used when needed and placed back in jail on normal days.
Amidst these allegations and controversies, political leaders such as Annamalai, Union Minister L. Murugan, and others are demanding a CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) or NIA (National Investigation Agency) probe to uncover the truth behind the recent attacks on the Governor, including verbal intimidation and physical attacks involving bombs and other weapons.
Rising Concerns About Law and Order
These events have raised concerns about the state of law and order under the DMK government. The Raj Bhavan, the official residence of the Governor, has expressed concerns about the safety of the first citizen of the state. Critics argue that recent incidents, including the raising of the Palestinian flag, restrictions on carrying the Indian national flag, opposition to chanting “Jai Sri Ram,” and other actions, suggest appeasement measures by the DMK, which have emboldened certain groups.
The situation is evolving rapidly, and calls for a deeper investigation into these incidents and their potential political connections are becoming increasingly urgent.
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