Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on October 23 slammed Congress leader Digvijaya Singh’s remark of ‘natak-nautanki’ (drama) about ‘Kanya Pujan’ and asked Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and Congress leader Sonia Gandhi to clear Congress’ stand on the matter.
Speaking to ANI, CM Chouhan on Tuesday (October 23) said, “When the whole nation was doing ‘Kanya Pujan’ yesterday, Digvijaya Singh ji called this ‘natak-nautanki’. People like you can’t tolerate the respect given to women. I ask Mallikarjun Kharge and Sonia Gandhi that is worshipping our daughters a ‘nautanki’? Congress should clear its stand on this.”
“Digvijay Singh ji, you stooped to such a low level while opposing Sanatana Dharma and Shivraj Singh Chouhan that you are protesting the worship of the daughters. This is an emotional matter for me, a matter of conscience. I worship daughters and will continue to worship,” CM Chouhan added.
Notably, while addressing a press conference in the state capital on Monday, the Congress leader said, “I have not seen a person who does more drama than the Chief Minister (Madhya Pradesh), now even Prime Minister Narendra Modi feels threatened by him.”
Singh made the remark in view of CM Chouhan performing Kanya Pujan at CM House on the occasion of the last day of Navratri on October 23.
During the function, CM Chouhan showered flower petals on girls, washed their feet and served food to them. The chief minister also fed the girls on the occasion.
(With inputs from ANI)
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