Prime Minister Modi, during a rally in Telangana, voiced his concerns about the alleged misappropriation and encroachment of temple lands, primarily in Tamil Nadu. He accused the state government of unfairly targeting Hindu temples, while places of worship for minorities remained untouched. PM Modi had said,” The wealth of the temples is being swindled through conspiracy. The temples are being looted. The temples are being captured. But they do not lay their hands on places of worship of minorities. They won’t bring them under the policies of the government”.
In response to PM Modi’s accusations, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin vehemently denied the allegations, labelling them as baseless and politically motivated. He challenged the need for such claims and criticised PM Modi’s statements. Stalin said, “I categorically deny this allegation and convey my strong condemnation to the Prime Minister. What is the need to create such a lie to depict as though after DMK came to power, we have taken control of the temple and misusing the temple revenue? For whom is he speaking in such a manner? Whose voice is he reflecting?.
Former Inspector General of the Idol Wing of Tamil Nadu Police, Pon Manickavel, stood by the allegations, asserting that temple lands were indeed being encroached upon and misused. He went a step further, challenging Chief Minister Stalin to an open debate on the issue.
In this background, Pon Manickavel told reporters in Ooty after participating the protest by Kundaichappai village in Nilgiri district. He said “in 2020 HR and CE took over the Mahalingaeaswar temple which was managed by the villagers, and appointed a fit person to run it. Following the opposition from them, Fit persons could not take charge. They filed a case against his appointment and taking over of their temple HR and CE. This is another example of government interfering with temple administration”.
Several recent incidents have surfaced in the media, further fueling the debate on temple land mismanagement. For instance, reports suggest that patta for properties belonging to Kancheepuram Varadaraja Perumal temple were issued to private individuals, leading to encroachment and alienation of temple lands.
To prove PM accusations let us see some recent incidents that had appeared in media. Dinamalar daily in April this year reported that patta for properties belonging to Kancheepuram Varadaraja Perumal temple were given to private persons. The temple owns 355 acres of land spread in 41 villages. A jeep has been bought to make field visit to ensure temple lands are not encroached. But he has not only visited the places and failed to collect land revenues from them. Of which 10 acres worth several crores have been alienated. An audit report for the period 2017-2018 says the HR and CE have not maintained the properties owned by the temple in proper manner. Kancheepuram resident Bharathi got this report under an RTI query. In the audit report, “ land holding patta have been issued for 10 acres lands in private person names and rest in temple name. Despite asking the EO to recover the encroached lands, he has not taken any action. In Kancheepuram city, 24,462 sq.feet land is being encroached by various people and temple EO failed to take any action to retrieve them in the past 30 years. The details about the 44 idols over 100 years old were shared with the auditors. Temple jewels were audited in 1978 and verified. After that there is no such exercise and reports submitted”.
In Pudukottai, to organise temple festivals and for daily needs, the kings in those years set up a Devasthanam. In Vito perumal temple, the kings made arrangement for daily anna dhan to devotees by giving lands. But these lands have been under illegal possession of some people for the past 15 years. The temple EO sent communication to district collector, HR and CE officials to take action against encroachers and prevent temple lands being sold using forged documents. In august this year, Madurai bench of the Madras High Court has appointed retd Judges R S Ramanathan and A Selvam to remove encroachments on Thiruvavaduthurai Adheenam properties in Kanyakumari district. While hearing petition filed by Mutt’s branch functionary in Suchindram Veeranathan . He sought the court to help recover properties encroached by various people in Tirunelveli and Kanyakumar district . The mutt has over 5,000 acres of lands these districts. The revenue from them should be used to spread Hindu religion and temple upkeep. Several thousands of acres have been leased but the tenants neither pay rents nor hand over the back to Mutt after expiry of lease period. Some of the lands are being under illegal occupation by people with politicians’ support. He sought appointment of retd judges to retrieve the mutt lands.” The court adjourned the matter for three months to enable them to complete the job.
It is widely alleged that the HR and CE officials do things quite opposite to what the High Court’s directions. Temple worshippers forum head T R Ramesh told media that High Court have categorically said temple lands should not be used for any common purposes other the purpose it was intended by the donors. He said, “Despite this specific direction, HR and CE lands of 100 temples for common purpose like bus stand, collector office etc, building offices HR and CE. To build offices for its officers it has allocated Rs 12 crores ie. 12 lakhs for each office. HR and CE Minister Sekar babu had the audacity to make an announcement in this regard in state assembly for which he has no rights. Now they are building offices as the Minister had promised the state assembly and work is going on after identification of temple lands for this purpose. HR and Officials says rent will be given to such properties. In other places for such occupation no fair rentals have been fixed. They are defaulting in paying rents. Why do not government use its vast promboke lands for such projects?. Commissioner can take upto Rs. 1 crore of temple funds but to avoid this limit, below the amount in various tranches was taken for non temple purpose expenses. Such funds are being used to construct offices for joint commissioners. Again they are not paying rents. For example in Thiruchendur, rent has been due since 2000. Mind you, the monthly rent is meagre Rs.2000 only. That is what HR and CE doing service to Hindu religion”. He cites various examples.
The Hindu Munnani in Tamil Nadu had challened PMK leader Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss over his stance to waive off lease payment of farm land owners doing cultivation on temple land. In response to this the Hindu Munnani has asked if Anbumani Ramadoss would compensate for the loss incurred by temples if lease paddy conditions are waived off from farmers. Hindu Munnani State Secretary Sunil Kumar The government has failed to take adequate measures to collect the outstanding lease payments, amounting to crores of rupees, owed to temples in Tamil Nadu. Numerous temples suffer from a lack of funds, resulting in the inability to conduct essential rituals. Anbumani Ramadoss, advocating for the waiver of temple farmland leases. If you genuinely care for the farmers, are you willing to cover the unpaid lease dues?”
கோயில் விளைநில குத்தகை பாக்கியை செலுத்த அன்புமணி ராமதாஸ் தயாரா.?
தமிழக கோயில்களுக்கு வர வேண்டிய பல கோடி ரூபாய் குத்தகை தொகையை வசூலிக்க அரசு முறையாக எந்த நடவடிக்கையும் எடுக்கவில்லை.
நிதி பற்றாக்குறை காரணமாக பல கோயில்களில் ஒரு வேளை பூஜை கூட நடைபெறாத நிலை காணப்படுகிறது.
இந்நிலையில்…— Hindu Munnani (@hindumunnani_tn) October 13, 2023
“There have been churches, mosques on temple lands and shops have been allotted to them in temple premises and lands have been leased to them. Some are trying to convert the temples into alien religions and rename the hillocks of famous Hindu temples. There have been instances of desecration and destruction of temple idols”. Hindu munnani leaders said. Meanwhile, advocate Jagannath has given representation District collector, SP, and others seeking action against Christian Munnani John Peter who made hate and threatening speeches . He was the one who made Chennimalai’s name can be changed to Jesus or Kalwari hillock which saw a massive protest last week.
the allegations of temple land encroachment and mismanagement in Tamil Nadu have stirred significant controversy and have drawn the attention of both political leaders and the public. The dispute raises critical questions about the proper management and use of temple properties, along with concerns about their religious sanctity and preservation. The situation remains highly contentious and continues to be a focal point of discussion and legal action in the state.