Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has referred the complaint lodged by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey against the TMC’s Lok Sabha member Mahua Moitra to the Ethics Committee in the alleged cash-for-query scandal, sources said on October 17.
The move comes on the heels of BJP MP Nishikant Dubey writing to Union IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw and Union Minister of State (MoS) IT Rajeev Chandrashekhar, accusing Mahua Moitra of receiving bribes from a prominent businessman in lieu of questions and demanding that an inquiry committee be instituted against her.
Nishikant Dubey, in his letter, claimed that a Supreme Court lawyer had levelled allegations of bribes received by the TMC MP from businessman Darshan Hiranandani.
“Your good self may be aware of the allegations against Mahua Moitra that were presented by an advocate of the Supreme Court of India to the CBI and with my assistance to the Speaker of Lok Sabha. These allegations include that she committed a criminal breach of trust, violated parliamentary ethics, and acted in a manner that was detrimental to India’s national security,” Nishikant Dubey wrote in his letter to the IT Minister.
Nishikant Dubey also wrote to the Lok Sabha Speaker, demanding that an inquiry be formed against the TMC MP. He has also sought Mahua Moitra’s suspension from the House pending the inquiry.
Responding to Nishikant Dubey’s letter to Union IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, the TMC MP said she welcomed the probe as long as similar privilege notices against BJP MPs were also looked into.
“All parliamentary work of MPs is done by PAs, assistants, interns, and large teams. Respected Ashwini Vaishnaw, please release details of the location and login details of ALL MPs with CDRs. Please release info on training given to staff to log in,” Mahua Moitra posted in response to Nishikant Dubey’s letter.
(with inputs from ANI)